please tell me your chickens names.

I only have two chickies right now, but I really like their names. I've had Madeleine for a week now, and today we got Emmanuelle. If I get another chick in a few weeks, I'll continue the french theme.
split sussex adults - Hank and the girls (aka "the hankies"), their companion banty - bridgette (the midget)

easter eggers-

fuzzy cheeks
brownie (is no longer with us, thanks to an owl }:^[ )
a couple unnamed

black australorps are all blue sky's (my 6yo daughter named all the chickens, and she likes the sheen on their black feathers)

4 cochins, but only the lightest blue has a name - smokey

4 turkeys - all called the turk turks

11 one-month-old sussex called the little guys

and an increasing number of baby chicks (one more each day - i don't think this hen is every going to quit hatching)
I must be bored. LOL

OK I have way more without names than I do with names. I seem to name my roos the most.

Pierre and JR = FBCMs roos Lost Big Buddy and Beauregard
Regal = Wheaten Marans roo I lost his

El Guapo = Pene roo
Jacob and Edward = MF d'Uccles roos
Ziggy and the girls, Sadie and Fanny = SPPRs roo and 2 hens
Cornelious = Wellie roo I know real original huh? LOL
Wilma= Wellie pullet
Juliet, Sunshine, Bella and not sure which one I lost, so I either use Thing 1 or Thing 2 = American Game hens
Clyde = black AM roo
Bon Jovi = blue AM roo He was stolen from the coop
Little Jovi -= blue, feather shanked OE roo......Bon Jovi left his mark at least
Sterling and Trouble = Silver AM roos
Straight 8 or 8 Ball, just depends = black Silkie roo
Bling = BLP roo
OK I call my white Silkie roo so many names, I forget what we named him. Is that bad?????
Big Bird = EE hen
Shady = Olive Egger
Pretty lady, Windy, Ariel, Mable, Marla, Matilda = Bantam Wellie pullets
I have more hens than roos, but only a few have names. I really need to name a lot more of my girls. Feel like I'm forgetting someone.
Oh my gosh my sweety
Lavern= Lavendar AM pullet

OK still leaving someone out


Lost some resently, but still have Popcorn = hen and Pudgy = roo and a brooder full of babies
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2 Ameracaunas- Claire and Eleanor (though we think Claire may be a boy!)
1 RIR- Scarlett
1 Welsummer- Rosalind
1 Barred Plymouth Rock- Anne
1 GLW- Abigail

I dont know why but they all seemed to need old fashioned names. Lol
7 Buff Orpingtons: Eagle, biggest, lays huge eggs, friendliest
Hop-a-Long, she did something to her leg and now has a permanent limp
Henny Penny, she went broody and I put 2 day-old chicks under her, she raised them very nicely
Puffy and Fluffy, they look alike and it doesn't really matter who is who
Chick and Dee Dee, the 2 young ones, when they were tiny I called them chickadees.

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