Please,what is this? (pics)


10 Years
Jul 29, 2009
i noticed my hen was all puffed up and didnt want her snack so i brought her in thinking she might not be feeling well.i had to leave for a while and when i returned found this in her looks to me like she had an egg break in her and its coming out.what do you all think?if so do i need to do anything or will it come out on its own?thanks for any help.

That is a soft shelled egg that broke inside the oviduct, looks like. When that happens, sometimes, it's good to give that hen 3 days of penicillin injections to fight infection. Had the same thing happen, did that, and the hen perked up after the antibiotics and is fine. That is the only type thing I use antibiotics for, the ovarian infections, etc, though your girl may be fine without them.
cyn,first,thanks so much for responding.seond is there anything else i could give her without injections?needles make me queasy and i dont think i could give one...
It really is not hard at all, especially if you have someone else hold her. It just goes into the breast muscle, 1/2 cc daily for 3 days. It really is the best thing. They sometimes don't even flinch. Terramycin is very weak (I think it's practically useless) and you'd have to medicate everyone unless you separate her, but if you can, that wouldn't be a bad idea to do. I don't use anything else except penicillin nowadays or I could recommend something else to give her.
It says "procaine" on it, but that isn't the same as the anesthetic benzocaine. Penicillin-G is what it is, says something like 300,000 units on the bottle. I use a 22 guage needle. You'd only separate her if you gave her antibiotics in her water, is what I meant. Sorry I wasn't clear! The feedstores keep penicillin bottles in the fridge and should carry syringes and needles. If you could find other powdered antibiotics stronger than Terramycin, like Gallimycin, that would be fine. Now, you don't have to do this at all, but when eggs break inside, they often get infection in there.

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