PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

Thank you all so much for your encouragement and kind words. <3 @realsis yes I have been feeding her exact by Kaytee. I will most definitely keep you all posted. Fuzzy Bum is a fighter, and with God by her side she will get better. It's just a matter of time.
Thank you all so much for your encouragement and kind words. <3 @realsis yes I have been feeding her exact by Kaytee. I will most definitely keep you all posted. Fuzzy Bum is a fighter, and with God by her side she will get better. It's just a matter of time.
@leetfreq925 no, I am not giving her antibiotics. When it comes to antibiotics, I know nothing about them. I don't know where to get them, what kind to get, what dose, and she still can't eat it drink on her own so I don't know if I could add it to her tube feeding or not. I'm sorry I'm so clueless :(
No sorries - we are all clueless at one point. I don't really know what i'm doing when something new comes up, that's what backyard chickens is for! :) I have not dealt with anything close to what fuzzy bum is going through, but just as a knee jerk reaction, i would imagine that she would need a dose of antibiotics for such a severe laceration. if you don't see signs of infection yet, you could soon and i guess i would do it as a precaution. you can give it as an injection, or drop it down her mouth orally.
can you get to a farm supply store? are you able to get needles around there? here in MA, i can tell you it was an issue! it's hard to tell what that yellow lump is from the pic, but i would suggest a course of antibiotics. are you putting anything on her beak area topically? that could help with the pain/ healing, too.
Update. Her beak is continuing to fall off (the black parts that were left). And her beak is bleeding. It has been bleeding all day and it finally clotted tonight. So we did not try to tube feed her tonight in fright of making her beak bleed again. We will try in the morning again. What is the longest a chicken can go without eating/drinking? I am only putting some polysporin on her wounds topically, that's all I have.

I think we can all agree this is what a beak should look like

Well back in September of 2013 my RIR was chased into a
fence and got her beak broken and now she eats with her
tong just like a lizard and goes about life like any other chicken


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