PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off


Love, Miss Fuzzy Bum :)


"Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel." ~ Isaiah 7:14

Merry Christmas to Fuzzy Bum and her Family
I read Fuzzy Bum's story, and was amazed at the dedication shown to her. Fantastic news, I'm glad she is happy and healthy!
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She is beautiful! All the best to you and your family, and hope your Christmas was blessed!
Just read the whole post.. It took me nearly 2 days... and i am SPEECHLESS! What an awesome story! Horrible you both had to go through that but what an amazing outcome! How awesome would it be for her to go broody and sit on a clutch??!?! I'd buy her chicks in a heartbeat if i weren't so far!
Look who has a boyfriend!!!!!!!! "Bowzer" likes to protect Fuzzy Bum, and follow her wherever she goes. He is her escort when she makes the trip to our side door to ask for food. He helps us know that they are there by crowing very loudly. Fuzzy Bum doesn't even mind sharing some of her food with him. Bowzer has one working eye that he can see out of. So he can relate to Fuzzy Bum's way of life, having to re-adjust after a hardship. (Bowzer is about 2 years younger than Fuzzy Bum. She must like the younger men, lol

Aren't they the perfect couple?

It has been a wile since a word about Fuzzy Bum and her way of life so is the young lady making a nest

I hope all is well and she is staying worm in the cold weather
It has been a wile since a word about Fuzzy Bum and her way of life so is the young lady making a nest

I hope all is well and she is staying worm in the cold weather
The story and outcome of Fuzzy Bum is beautiful! I literally started to cry.She is blessed to have you.Give her hugs and kisses for me if her new boyfriend will let you!
This is one of the best stories!!! @tmlpike it sure is amazing what can happen when you trust in god!!!!!!

At the beginning, I didn't think she would live. I couldn't help but notice that you went thru this with god. As you said before, " NOTHING is impossible WITH GOD!!!!!!"

I even cried! Her story is amazing!!! I never cry!! Although in starting to notice a pattern. I cry if it has to do with animals. Lol. I absolutely lovvvvvvvve animals!!! Especially dogs and chickens!!!! Your a great person!!

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