Plymouth Rock thread!

Exactly the point I have been trying to make. Unproductive chickens become "heritage" and very vulnerable to disappearance since not many people are interested in raising chickens "just for pretty," especially in difficult economic times. More and more people are obtaining backyard chickens and small farm flocks. They eagerly get chickens, frequently "heritage" breeds - and then are deeply disappointed. We need heritage utility chickens, and we need them now. There needs to be an introduction of carcass examinations and verified laying pens into the APA show criteria.

I've gotten to the point that I advise all people looking for practical poultry to get Black Stars, Black Sex Links, or a utility strain of Barred Rocks from specific hatcheries. This helps reduce the number of people discouraged by vicious, flighty, panicky, or unproductive birds, they are more easily sexed, and all of these tend to make a reasonable carcass if there is a sexing error.

Interestingly enough, some of the people I've talked with grew up on farms with small domestic flocks of Leghorns and were considering chickens but didn't want to deal with the cannibalism and people avoidance. One visit to the ladies in the back, and they leave feeling much better about getting back into having chickens. The folks who grew up with bantams are pleased at the prospect of friendly birds that lay larger eggs more frequently.
I just can't understand why everytime someone praises Jeremy's line of birds this is the reaction....
people then come back praising there favorite and its ok........Just does not make since to me.....
Please, let's not keep on and on. It's not that someone cannot state their opinion about anyone's birds. Of course, they can! It's when someone says that one line of birds is the best, period, that it's indisputable (nothing is indisputable in the chicken world) and that there should be no other opinions, that all other opinions are invalid, that folks with hatchery birds, the average backyard flock person, feels less inclined to post their birds on a thread that is a general, friendly Plymouth Rock thread.

Everyone is welcome to post their Rocks of all colors and all qualities here and hopefully, won't be put off by such talk as we've seen of late. There are other threads specifically devoted to exhibition stock, and even the Good Shepherd stock in particular, so why get into debates about which breeder is better here? This is exactly why I didn't even want anyone to know for the longest time where my Rocks even came from, but after being inundated with PM after PM and question after question about them, I capitulated.
I totally agree but debating that fact is what Everyone seemed to be doing. I think all of us can agree that all strains
of these barred rocks can stand improvement(egg laying,Tails,faster feathering,etc.). We all need to work together to
try to improve them.
Okay, here is a little question to redirect a little....
How many Rock roos turn out to have bad temperament? I KNOW you tend to see more of this from hatchery birds than breeder birds, BUT I would still like some opinions on this aspect of the Rock breed.

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