Plymouth Rock thread!

Hi name is Crystal,

Today I purchased, for the first time, chicks for my "Backyard Chickens".
2 Buff Orpington's, 2 Ameraucana's & 2 Barred Rocks. All layers.
I am so excited about this. I live in central Florida & hoping these are good choices for our climate. Any advice would certainly be appreciated.

Do not succumb to chicken math. Anyways enjoy your new chicks.
Does anyone compost in the run? I have a compost for my garden & plants. I read on one of the "Learning" blogs, that this is a good thing. Sounds reasonable to me.  

Did some research on this and i have put two bins into my new run. So later this summer i can let you know how it is going.
I free range and have open topped compost bins that the chickens rummage through on a a regular basis. they love when I put stuff out there. and whatever they don't want turns into compost.
Do Barred Rocks have red faces?? These are our first chickens and two of our girls faces look 'sunburned' around the eyes, ear lobes and beak. They are 6 wks old. Is this normal? I'm attaching a picture but it doesn't show as red as it really is. Thank you.
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