Plymouth Rock thread!

Here is my Barred Rock named Bonnie. She is a sweet thing. I got her for free from a lady who couldnt keep her anymore. I am curious to see what others think of her quality?

(sorry about the messy background. they are from the winter and the coop was a mess.)


What a good looking hen, I have 2 like her except my rooster has torn many of the feathers off the back and sholders of one, looks like she was scalped by a lawn mower. I hope her feathers will grow back when she molts this fall. My Plymouth Rocks give light colored shells and one produces shells that are almost like porcelain. My Golden Comets give a nice brown shell. I would be curious to know what color the shells are that your Plymouth Rock hen lays. Also, my Plymout Rocks are very vocal, not loud just always talking up a storm, I believe they are happy hens.
I read a story once about a couple of boys who were given some chicks and they raised them and became interested in chickens so they went to the state fair and saw many other chickens for the first time, they came home and compared their chickens to what they saw at the fair and decided their chickens could take first prize at the fair next year because they were so myuch bigger. They entered the chickens and were dissapointed not to take a single prize. The judge explained to them that even though they were big, healthy and overall good looking they didn't conform to the standards of judging. I am not saying that is the case with your hen because I don't know what the official standards are either. Here's what matters, fat or skinny, pretty or ugly if you love them that's all that matters.
Aww crud.. I'm only 2weeks late noticing this.

Hey, Swampwood! There's more where those came from, but I now have a bit of a list. It's been odd with them...either I have several waiting, or nothing for a few weeks! second Columbian Rock pullet started laying today and her sister was in/out of the nest box ALL DAY so I expect her to start laying any day!!! That makes 2 laying now.....Yiiiiippppppeeeee!!

Here is a picture of a small group of them free ranging today. They are about 16-17 weeks old and the boys are beginning to reach that hormonal stage. A little bit of fighting has begun....but, I'm planning to thin down my cockerels by about half this weekend. Sending all that don't have good yellow legs or who have any DQs to the auction.


Here is my "mama" blue rock and the 2 babies she hatched out....she has been a REALLY good mama, but I think its growing old to her.


Here are a couple of shots from my grow up pens of the "breeder quality" barred rocks I have coming along. The last 2 are of the cockerel I am planning to keep.





I hope everyone is well and KEEPING COOL....I'm tired of Summer....Fall can't get here too soon

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