Poem Competition :-}

Entry Form:
Title: Boy With The Eagle Feather
Type of poem:
Your inspiration: My Brother. (Written by and credit to my mother)

I often think of a boy, deep tanned
with long blond hair that blew in the wind,
one plaited lock, the end of it,
adorned with an eagle feather.
We camped in the woods with a small black dog
who slept by my son in a soft little ball
away from the cool, damp weather.
When I woke misty dawns, he'd be waiting there,
my boy, by the camp fire waiting;
and it seemed that he cherished each hour with me
like they'd soon be gone forever.
Now the little black dog has gone away
chasing rabbits in heaven, I hope,
and the boy is a man working hard at his trade;
but they'll never leave me...never.
On summer nights when the campfire's bright
and the moon's a silver bubble,
there's just we three...my dog and me,
and the boy with the eagle feather.
I would like to enter a few in honor of my Grandpa Bill. He normally gets his inspiration in the middle of the night and on some of his poems is the date and time. He is 72 years old, and recently took a free computer class and then purchased his own computer. Now he sits at the computer pecking his poems out. He always hand writes them first, and those are the ones I like the most. I'm going to type them as they are are written.

Title: The New Born Baby, By Bill Burney
Type of poem: Traditional, Spiritual
Written Jan. 12, 2008

A new body - soul and spirit of God fashioned,
The creation of God's own compassion.
A new life in the womb conceived,
Put there by God believed.
A new creation leaves the warmth of the womb,
And starts it's journey to the cold tomb.
The tempter will surely come and make his call,
As he as done to us all.
Which pathway will he take,
Whose heart will be brake?
Life is but a dash between birth and death on stone
It will happen here and soon be gone.
Awaken my child your soul
Be it as God has told.
For He will call out to thee
Inviting you into His glory to be.
John 3:16

Title: Gotten Old, By Bill Burney
Type of poem: Traditional, Christian
Written April 26, 2008

The plow now covered in rust,
And the tractor seat covered in dust.
Last week my best cow died,
And doctor took me off anything fried.
Grass is about the only thing that will grow,
And this dry spell it's mighty slow.
Hair on top no longer grows,
But only from the ears and nose.
All my old friends the Lord called to go,
And it's Him the only one I know.

Title: Who Will Miss Me?, By Bill Burney
Type of poem: Traditional, Christian
Written August 3, 2008

Who will miss me when I'm gone,
When I take flight to my new home?
Who will keep the watering trough full,
And watch out for the new bull?
Who can start that old John Deere
And get that thing in gear?
Who will mend that rusty bobwire,
And stumble around in the mire?
Who will mow the hay,
And believe what weather men say?
Who will pull a new calf
And watch it attemp to stand, and not laugh?
Who will keep check on the pasture gate,
Before the cows from the garden get their take?
Who will wipe sweat from their brow,
And trust God to get by some how?
Who will miss me when I'm gone,
When I take my flight to my new home?
Psalms 103:11-16

Hope ya'll enjoyed them. I have 3 3-ring notebooks of poems so far. He keeps giving them to me, so I keep punching holes in them.
Title: My chickens
Type of poem: don't know
Inspiration: My chickens

I like my hens cause they lay eggs
and run around on scaly legs
I like the way they shake their tail
makes me smile , it never fails.
I like the way they cackle and crow
and line up on the roost pole in a row.

Every day in and out
The path to the pen is my favorite route
My chicks I love as you can see
so get you some , just like me.
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oh that is sooo cute! i love it!

Thank you KKF!!!!!!
Title: Ode to Little Mike
Type of poem: dont' know
Inspiration: My little mean deceased rooster

I had a roo named little mike
He was Such a cute little tyke
But he was mean and wouldn't quit
His actions put me in a snit.
He spurred my hand , flew at my head
Now little Mike is really dead.
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Many, many years ago while I was in college I had a dear teacher who taught me to look inside myself and I wrote this for her.

To Sister Mary Damascene

I'd like to thank you
for what you gave to me.
You helped me visualize
the thing I couldn't see.

You helped me find the words
to ideas, some whole, some in part.
You taught me that even men
can write what is in their heart.

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