Poem Competition :-}

No, They do not have to be chicken related.

And about the deadline...
I plan to wait until we get more submissions, then decide on a deadline.
Title: two mes
Type of poem: ?
Your inspiration: De Javue?

sitting on a painted pony on a hill
the warm breeze blowing though my long tangled hair.
Just for a second or two - The before me
came back and joined with the now me .
Just for a moment I was me but more than one,
but only for a brief fleeting moment. The wonderful haunting feeling still lingers
and teases me.
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Title: These Old Things
Type of Poem: Freeverse

In this old house
and these old clothes
we wallow in our own filth.
Stale incense floating in the air,
cinnamon and sandalwood.

These old words and
your cigarette ash.
Product of smoke rings
in this old air.

You count all the
beautiful things our
eyes can see
beyond the haze.
Soft and sweet,
your tongue lolls on
smooth edge 6s and 7s
making shapes of numbers
with your finger on my skin.

Hovering between
awake and asleep
where we are eternal,
with memories of
some other time.

In some old place
are these old things.


Title: Missed Era
Type of Poem: Freeverse?

Whispers the house
to the waiting girl,
I'm lonly.
Once I was,
envied, proud.
My walls stood true,
my profile sharp;
i was desired.

Says the house
to the watching girl,
time passed.
Love faded,
lessened, went.
Earth reclaimed
what was stolen;
I've grown old.


Title: Unpacking
Type of Poem: Freeverse

Like the seasons you are
fitting, fading, blending.
Chameleon tendencies,
green to yellow to red.

Daffodils tickle
backs of knees,
you are playful
spring mornings.
Pushing onward you are,
sticky strawberry mess
smeared across mouths,
savouring flavours
of balmy summer heat.

Like the saesons you are
fitting, fading, blending.
An open box on the surface
of my tousled bed covers,
the contents are everywhere,
the memories are present,
The photographs askew.
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Title: Pygmy Goats

Type of poem: Humorous

Your inspiration: My 8 goats

The pygmy goats are running wild
They're tearing up creation
They ate my Fedex and my shrub
They ate my insulation

They frolic on the deck and leave me
Shiny little pellets
They carry cardboard through the yard
With paper to embellish

I tried to keep them in their pen
A space that is quite roomy
They couldn't breathe, they felt confined
They simply found it gloomy

And so they wander, leaving gifts
Of trash and sticks and turds
I'm not angry , they're just expressing
Joy without words.
Title: Perception

Type of poem: Rhyming

Your inspiration: A falling out with a friend

I went with someone that I know to see the latest show
We'd heard so much about it, all said we had to go
We watched it very closely and enjoyed what we beheld
We saw the colors and the letters and knew just what they spelled
But my friend saw a different show than what I had just watched
We compared what we thought we saw and nothing really matched
"It was a western" he decided, certain as can be
A Western! No, I saw a musical, clearly
"The hero was a cowboy", he insisted rather shortly
"It was a chef!" I said to him, "all dressed in white and portly"
"He sang a song!" "He rode a horse!" We just couldn't agree
Could he have gone to see the show that I just went to see?
We sat together in the aisle and stared at the same screen
And came to our conclusions about what it all must mean
How could it be so different, what was true for him and me
Why was I so unable to see what he could see?
I could not see his cowboy; he could not see my chef
We tried to reach accord but we both got mad and left
And that's the way it happens when two sets of eyes and ears
Interpret something differently from what it first appears
I can't see inside his head; he can't see my mind
He’ll form his conclusion; I will come to mine.
Title: Pretty Eye

Type of poem: Humorous

Your inspiration: A case of mistaken identity

She only has one eye and it's as lovely as can be
Her nose is rather longish, it hangs down to her knee
A pelt of green adorns her face, it's such a furry nest
And yellow sprigs sprout from her ears, I love that part the best
She wobbles when she walks because she has four extra toes
And little red protusions are growing from her nose
Her fingers crackle when they bend, they make an awful noise
In spite of all these issues, she's fighting off the boys
They love her spunky nature, her humor is the best
Her heart is just so radiant, they never see the rest.

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