poisonous SUMAC

Looking like a rashy faced elephant man isn't very sexy for my husband :( and my daughter actuallu asked was I going to have surgery if my eyes stayed like this :'(
men dont care what you look like, love is blind
Not that blind. I don't think this rash and (the bags under my eyes swelled really BAD) can even be hidden with beer goggles lmao. But yes,even after 22plus years, 5 children and countless illnesses I still get embarassed when I look especially bad.
Oh, well speaking is a different story...lol. he married a hot red neck. (Ok, average, and the years and babies weren't nice to the body, but I did try to keep up the face lol) but if its thought, its usually said. That was part of my appeal to his posh pampered upbringing bwahahahaha!
What!? I'm on 22 years married and with him 23 just shy of 24. Cant think of anyone I'd rather be with. Don't get me wrong, he drives me just as mad and bores me to tears sometimes too, but he is also my comfort always.

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