Polish chicken hen or Roo?!

One adolescent cockerel is quite bad enough. Any more will stress your girls. Once their hormones kick in, they are insatiable and often ruthless. Older mature roosters can be kept with just 2 or 3 girls and be fine but those youngsters can be brutal to the girls and they are not worth the stress they cause to the flock in my opinion. I would either make a bachelor pad and keep all the boys in it until next year and then pick your favourite, or choose one and keep the other 3 in a separate pen together and see how your choice works out because he may turn into a total jerk and then you can swap him out for one of the others or get rid of 3 and keep one.
I would not keep more than one with the hens and pullets though, no matter how many hens you have. They are usually just too rough on the girls.
Hi ☺

I do not plan on keeping them all unfortunately you are right and that's just too many boys for 13 girls . Currently I have 1 rooster and he is a Rhode island red and he's very aggressive I have him with my 3 hens of my other flock . I did not intend on getting any other Roo's . I was very disappointed to find out I have 4 roosters . I will be getting rid of my current rooster as he ha aggressive, due to being attacked by a racoon + he is a Rhode island known to be aggressive . The other 4 roo's I will have to sort and figure out who I'm keeping . I love my Iowa blue rooster and the polish rooster too !! The other 2 have to go too . Bummer !!!! Thank you for your reply !
what are your opinions on these two roosters or hens
Not a very good pic to tell for sure. Need to see their combs with crest pulled back. Can't see the size of their legs either. You also don't say how old they are. On first glance, they do look like hens (or pullets, depending on how old they are) because of their neat, round puffs on their heads, but can't see if the one in front has any streamers coming in. Feathers suggest female too, but again, all these factors such as age and better pics will be much more helpful than this one pic.

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