Polish head getting pecked

I'm having this problem now. Did u ever get a resolution for this
Well, found him a farm with lots of room. I visited him a few weeks ago and he's doing well. I think it's necessary for them to have lots of space. Even our 25x10 run wasn't enough apparently
Update- I bought a no peck spray at Tractor Supply and have been using it on their heads since i posted this thread and I am actually seeing some hair growing back in the area where they were pecked. We’ll have to see how it goes and I will continue to watch them.
What kind of spray was it that you bought from TSC? I have the same problem and trying to find a no peck spray that works.
I feel your pain...or more accurately, your White Crested Black Polish's pain. McMurray's threw in a free rare with our order last June. Ours was a WCBP roo. Everything was wonderful until his crest feathers became amazing and beautiful. It started slowly. The Ameraucana hens really dig him and would gently preen his head feathers. He seemed to like it so I thought it was cute. Over time it became plucking and once that happens, we all know it only gets worse. They had nearly all head feathers yanked out of his head or broken off at the shaft. That makes blood which triggers a gang beatdown. I seperated him and kept him in his own side coop/pen for several weeks until his feathers were completely grown back in. I re-introduced him into the flock and all seemd good for several hours. I went out at dusk to put them all to bed and he was completely bald and bloody. I felt terrible. So now he is living in our laundry room and trying to figure out what to do. Has anyone else who had this problem noted it was certain breeds who focus on the polish for picking? It seemd to only be the Ameraucanas. They're a bit too curious for their own good.
I know this is old, but having the same problem. Got one free in an order, but they don’t mix well with my wyandottes. :( currently trying to find him a new home!!
I know this is old, but having the same problem. Got one free in an order, but they don’t mix well with my wyandottes. :( currently trying to find him a new home!!
I was having the same problem and I bought a flock block to keep attention on doing something and keeping them from being bored, I also used peck no more by rooster booster and slathered that on my polish girls head and it seemed to work. The feathers have grown back and they don’t seem to bother her. If you have a white crest it will stain the feathers but, rather have a little pink headed punk rocker then a bald little hen! Hope this idea might help you before you have to rehome as a last resort I also know some people who have had luck using pinless peepers.
I was having the same problem and I bought a flock block to keep attention on doing something and keeping them from being bored, I also used peck no more by rooster booster and slathered that on my polish girls head and it seemed to work. The feathers have grown back and they don’t seem to bother her. If you have a white crest it will stain the feathers but, rather have a little pink headed punk rocker then a bald little hen! Hope this idea might help you before you have to rehome as a last resort I also know some people who have had luck using pinless peepers.
Thank you for responding! I am down to try anything… can I get these items at TSC?

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