Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's so young still. Wait just a few more weeks to see when its poof starts to grow in. I believe the best bet is something like: Rounder poof, female. Spikey poof, male.
My other chick I am pretty sure is a boy based on having a smaller crest (but someone is also picking out his crest feathers so that could be contributing to his spiky hairdo

I had some polish babies hatch yesterday! I am having trouble identifying what colors they are as day olds. I know the possibilities are white crested cuckoo, chocolate cuckoo, cuckoo khaki, chocolate, khaki, and black. I cannot find any pictures of day old chicks as examples. I have used the search option and not bringing up any pictures just tons and tons of threads. I would like to know what I hatched out! I do not have any wc blacks, that much I do know.

Anyone have any links to day old chicks in these colors?

Thank you ahead of time. :)
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I had some polish babies hatch yesterday! I am having trouble identifying what colors they are as day olds. I know the possibilities are white crested cuckoo, chocolate cuckoo, cuckoo khaki, chocolate, khaki, and black. I cannot find any pictures of day old chicks as examples. I have used the search option and not bringing up any pictures just tons and tons of threads. I would like to know what I hatched out! I do not have any wc blacks, that much I do know.

Anyone have any links to day old chicks in these colors?

Thank you ahead of time. :)
I really had hoped the Polish wouldn't grow on me, but they are, now I have to ask questions like this one...is it as colossally bad idea to free range them as I think it is? My plan for my poultry yard involves large runs with lots of free ranging for breeds that do well in that situation, the Polish were just going to be sold, but the darn things are growing on me so now I'm wondering if I can make a paddock for them or have to build something different. The big worry here is their crest would impede their vision to the point where they'd not be able to see the daytime predators in time to run and hide.
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I really had hoped the Polish wouldn't grow on me, but they are, now I have to ask questions like this one...is it as colossally bad idea to free range them as I think it is? My plan for my poultry yard involves large runs with lots of free ranging for breeds that do well in that situation, the Polish were just going to be sold, but the darn things are growing on me so now I'm wondering if I can make a paddock for them or have to build something different. The big worry here is their crest would impede their vision to the point where they'd not be able to see the daytime predators in time to run and hide.

we have a nest of bald eagles by my house and have a bearded polish... she is doing fine wtih the others i think my orpington scares the eagles off though
Ok ... here's some of mine










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