Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fro is taking a nap on my Khaki Campbells

Thanks! It'll be interesting to see what happens. Ours were a bit older than yours when we got them so not really sure what she originally looked like.
How do I keep the regular hens from pecking the feathers of my polish rooster's head????

Older hens (in any chicken breed) tend to pick on young inexperienced cockerels. Most owners don't put cockerels with hens until the boys develop some maturity and confidence -- otherwise the older hens chase and pick on the young boys mercilessly. Most owners keep their cockerels separated from hens until the boys mature.
Older hens (in any chicken breed) tend to pick on young inexperienced cockerels. Most owners don't put cockerels with hens until the boys develop some maturity and confidence -- otherwise the older hens chase and pick on the young boys mercilessly. Most owners keep their cockerels separated from hens until the boys mature.

This is a mature rooster. He is two years old and very expierenced. The hens just keep plucking feather out the back of his head. And these hens are not old they are younger than he is.
Are they pecking his head out of vicousness or curiosity? And is he new o the flock or been there a while? If your hens are not polish they may just be curious as to "why the heck he has a cool afro?" or are simply asserting their dominance.

Girls can be mean. In general. (I would know, I am one XD)

Give them some time to adjust. The more they re around eachother the more comfortable they will get.
Are they pecking his head out of vicousness or curiosity? And is he new o the flock or been there a while? If your hens are not polish they may just be curious as to "why the heck he has a cool afro?" or are simply asserting their dominance.

Girls can be mean. In general. (I would know, I am one XD)

Give them some time to adjust. The more they re around eachother the more comfortable they will get.
I have had the same thing happen to my roo and they will edventuly let it grow back but then take it out agin. And this roo is kinda loony so he somehow always manages to lose it wile hes alone. But if you get some polish put him with a few of those.
This is a mature rooster. He is two years old and very expierenced. The hens just keep plucking feather out the back of his head. And these hens are not old they are younger than he is.

That is so sad! Sounds like you have an offending alpha hen inspiring all the hens into injurious behavior. Are they all penned or are they free-ranged? He probably can't get away from the hens ganging up on him! Or he may just be a timid soul that doesn't have the personality to get away from the hens. Sometimes it takes one mean hen to spread contagious behavior to the other hens -- just like feather-picking or egg-eating can spread throughout a flock if the offending leader isn't nipped in the bud and removed immediately. We had to remove a feather-eating Marans out of the flock when we realized a Silkie wasn't molting but being eaten alive on the roost at night! The Marans was a very nasty tempered hen, challenging and combating the alpha White Leghorn, chewing the docile Silkie on the roost at night, and openly clawing and fighting another little timid Silkie. I don't introduce heavy, large, or dual-purpose breeds into the Silkie flock any more. Ameraucana and Breda are the only two gentle docile breeds we found compatible with our timid Silkies. Polish, Sultans, Easter Eggers, Cochins, and other breeds are gentle too but we have limited zoning; otherwise I would have those breeds too.

The Marans picked all the outer feathers, crest, and comb, and left nothing but the Silkie's under-down feathers!

Today the 6-yr-old Silkie has no problem having pretty plumage!

But her chewed-off comb never grew back -- her comb is just a smooth patch of skin today.

The Silkie has been quite happy being around our docile Cuckoo Breda - sharing a small nest when 3 others are available!

It's nice having a docile large fowl Cuckoo Breda around the bantams

The Blue Breda was very docile around the Silkies too.

The Breda always let the Silkies have first choice during foraging.
How old does a Polish need to be before accurate sexing is possible? Do cockerels reliably get wattles more quickly than the pullets? Thanks.

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