Political Ramblings

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And they probably will go under quickly. A lot of small businesses are barely making a profit as is. Some make money just every year or so. This will tend to concentrate business activity with the big multinationals that are well funded. We are in for a quantum change. It will be the death of small business. I hope we can weather it.

Some people just focus on the political personality, not on the problem. Politicians come and go. The problems stay with us.
As Rufus stated, many small businesses barely squeak by these days. It'd be great if they'd be able to give great benefits to all of their employees, but where will the American consumer go? As always it will be to the lowest price. Consumerism drives the market. Jeesh, look at the amount of Chinese junk that gets sold these days. A lot of it used to be made here, but the consumer decided to buy based on price over quality. If health care costs get passed on to the buyer, do you think the average American will be happy paying an extra 5% more because it means that the company will give their employees health care?

The problem with the ACA is that it was a one sided proposition and solution. It didn't address things like tort reform or portability of insurance plans across state lines. Lack of tort reform is pretty easy to see considering that something like 90% of democratic senators and congressmen are lawyers.
And who will provide those basic benefits when the company goes broke? I predict that 2013 will be the year of the pink slip.
Rufus, that is the same argument made by the next to slavery sweat shops may years ago. I will tell you who will provide the benefits. It will be those companies that are well run by people who understand that one of their best assets will always be their employees. I have begun and assisted others in starting small and medium businesses from propane gas distribution business, to hair salons, to vet office to doctor and dentist office, to screen printing business, restaurants and many, many others. Every single one of them began with good and loyal employees that became the heart of the company. That is not a political statement but a fact and if the pigs who run the companies that only want to take advantage of the employees go out of business, then all the better for the country. It can well survive the elimination of that kind of scum. And as for the gloom and doom predictions that it is the end of small business you are only a little bit correct. It is the end of the small business that is run by pigs, but for the businesses that are well run with morality and dignity, they will continue to make lots of money. They always have and always will and I can prove it every day of the week.
Interesting...what part of that statement do you disagree with. Do you think that people who are greedy pigs will continue to be successful despite Obamacare or do you disagree that people who are moral and run a business with dignity will not be successful?
Time will tell. But with the slim profit margins of most small businesses, I am afraid this will be the end for them. And for what it is worth, people are not pigs just because they cannot afford to pay for a lot of benefits. It is just a reality. You seem to think there is an endless amount of capital and income to spread around. You may have done business in a better time and place.
When you go to work all you are entitled to is a pay check. When did it fall on to me as an employer to provide for your healthcare or anything else ? What you do with your pay is not any of my business.

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