Politically Incorrect

Please tell me you use mustard and mayo=maynard. LOVE IT!!!

I mayo the bread, slap a slice of bologna, squirt a line of mustard, add the cheese food.

I am also partial to a tomato and sweet onion on sourdough with mayo and a sprinkle of salt and pepper

That is how I make my bologna too. I love a mayo and avocado sandwich, with crisp bacon. OH DANG! I want a sandwich now. Again.
Let's add mannoiase to the list as well. Rhubarb, pretty much anything that reminded my mother of Nebraska was gone.
Oh come on, no bologna on white bread as a kid? We were so poor many lunches were brown sugar and butter sandwiches. LOL!

LOL my dh put steak seasoning on mayo and called That a sandwich at one point in his life! he could pretend there was meat in there!

That just sounds nasty!
I'll join you if you throw in a martini.

Shaken or stirred? Onion or olive?

ooohhh!!! I want a martini!! shaken, dirty and olives please with vodka, not gin.
I'll forgo the sandwich and enjoy my martini with sweet Hawaiian rolls!!
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Shaken or stirred? Onion or olive?

ooohhh!!! I want a martini!! shaken, dirty and olives please with vodka, not gin.
I'll forgo the sandwich and enjoy my martini with sweet Hawaiian rolls!!

..., and dirty (too) no less! Will you marry me?
Please tell me you use mustard and mayo=maynard. LOVE IT!!!


Had some doublecheeseburgers at McDonalds the other day and as I bit into one it tasted very bad. Someone must have put that mayo/special sauce on it that they use on Big Macs. I almost puked. Baddddd..... But, they did me a favor. Now I can never eat a McDonalds burger again without my brain screaming MAYO!!! If I had the choice of eating a spoonful of mayo or getting the swine flu I'd be on my way to CVS for tissues.
I'll take the tomato, avacado, bacon and red peppers on whole wheat with mayo (Hellman's, no other allowed). With a glass of red wine....

I seldom weigh in on the diet threads because I don't buy the carbs will kill you nonsense, and I get beat up if I express that. Slowly loosing weight here, and looking forward to todays Body Pump class...oh I'm going to be sooooo sore!

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