Pomeranian Goose Breed Thread

I'll see what I can do with pics,it may take a day or two to get back. I regretfully didn't take any when I went to see them. I wanted three that had grown up together but I was hesitant with this little one, maybe unreasonably. It reminds me of a chicken being hen pecked the back of the neck is bare and a bit around the face anyway Thanks Carrosaur.
I'll see what I can do with pics,it may take a day or two to get back. I regretfully didn't take any when I went to see them. I wanted three that had grown up together but I was hesitant with this little one, maybe unreasonably. It reminds me of a chicken being hen pecked the back of the neck is bare and a bit around the face anyway Thanks Carrosaur.

Sometimes, this breed can be horrible about picking at other birds: I had a Sebastapol breeder sell me the Buff Saddlebacks she had purchased to try to get the pattern into her flock a couple years ago because they had plucked all the Sebbies naked. I have two goslings right now that had their back plucked by a third gosling overnight. Also, if the bird is eating normally, it could just be part of its feathering in process. Without a picture, it is very hard to say though....since most of us may be able to tell you what is, or is not normal based on what we've seen.
Thank you so much for the insight 1MrsMagoo I've got a stack of pics now I'm trying to upload. I think you are right their little feathers are coming through although one might be the odd one ou . Still when we saw them today they seem much better than last week. They feather rather quickly I didn't realise in such a short time they could change. I'll continue to try these uploads I'm ever so greatful for the advise. I'm totally in love with these little babies truly!
Poms come in white ,gray and saddleback colors. Most people think they are all saddlebacks. The birds you have pictured appear to me to be about all white goslings, but nice healthy birds. Good luck with them
Poms come in white ,gray and saddleback colors. Most people think they are all saddlebacks. The birds you have pictured appear to me to be about all white goslings, but nice healthy birds. Good luck with them

True, they do come in solid colors, which are not accepted to the standard of perfection by the A.P.A. in the United States (only the grey and buff saddlebacks are recognized here). I only know of a couple flocks in the entire country with legitimately solid colored Pomeranians: The largest being in Washington state: To say they are rare would be a huge understatement.

Neubee.....I am sure the parents are on site where you are purchasing the goslings: What color are they? The goslings appear to be very sturdy happy little feather kids! I like to see them out on grass. I get mine on grass as soon as possible and even when they are tiny, put them in a secure "playpen" in the front lawn every day. I think it gives them a much better start in life and they certainly love it.
Please be sure to post photos as they grow!
This is most interesting! Thanks for the info. The breeder has a mixed gaggle of poms but there are three white as I could see and the others grey. He didn't have saddle backs as I could see; so if I want to try and breed them are white a more inferior breed or are they different in characteristics or are they more pron to certain ailments? I had no idea there could be solid colours. Of course the saddle backs and greys are more interesting in appearance to me however I'm absolutely taken by these little babies!
This is most interesting! Thanks for the info. The breeder has a mixed gaggle of poms but there are three white as I could see and the others grey. He didn't have saddle backs as I could see; so if I want to try and breed them are white a more inferior breed or are they different in characteristics or are they more pron to certain ailments? I had no idea there could be solid colours. Of course the saddle backs and greys are more interesting in appearance to me however I'm absolutely taken by these little babies!
Wait til you see the buff saddlebacks! I think they're all lovely though, and as Cas is begining to get his dark feathers along with the bright white...it's just amazing to watch patterns emerge. Although...wouldn't we all be smitten with any of them?
Your whites are so pretty! I didn't realize they came in solid white either!

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