Pomeranian Goose Breed Thread

This is most interesting! Thanks for the info. The breeder has a mixed gaggle of poms but there are three white as I could see and the others grey. He didn't have saddle backs as I could see; so if I want to try and breed them are white a more inferior breed or are they different in characteristics or are they more pron to certain ailments? I had no idea there could be solid colours. Of course the saddle backs and greys are more interesting in appearance to me however I'm absolutely taken by these little babies!

No differences in the birds overall, except for their color. They should still have a single centrally located lobe, salmon to reddish pink bill, legs, feet, broad chest, no exposed keel bone, and blue eyes. Honestly, I have been actively trying to purchase a couple solid colored birds for quite some time. Their bills/legs/feet tend to have much better coloration than most of the saddlebacks I've seen plus they would just be awesome to have (Plus, some of them have much better type). However, I am very close with my Buff Saddlebacks to getting them where they need to be, so would not be mixing them; just maintaining a separate sub-flock.
Right now I have 6 eggs developing in the incubator from my new breeding partner on the Poms (he is in Illinois). I am super excited to add these to the flock once they hatch!
Wait til you see the buff saddlebacks! I think they're all lovely though, and as Cas is begining to get his dark feathers along with the bright white...it's just amazing to watch patterns emerge. Although...wouldn't we all be smitten with any of them?
Your whites are so pretty! I didn't realize they came in solid white either!

Watching them feather out and grow is truly a joy. Goslings are by far my favorite babies out of anything I raise. Although, I do have to admit that I love turkey poults quite a bit as well!
sounds almost like breeder had pilgrim geese where ganders are all white and hens are gray with some white around the head. Still good birds to have, but maybe not Pomeranians.
Watching them feather out and grow is truly a joy. Goslings are by far my favorite babies out of anything I raise. Although, I do have to admit that I love turkey poults quite a bit as well!
Turkey poults have the most darling faces. To me, it looks like if you crossed a duckling and a chick. LOL

Years ago, we raised 2 turkey poults, they were Blue Slates from McMurray. Absolutely beautiful birds, and because we "coddled" (lol) them they were very sweet natured. We'd named them JenniO (the hen) and Butterball (the tom) but come time for their...original purpose...we just couldn't, and they lived happy, fat and healthy for years. Butterball would come up to the patio door and "knock" until I came out with snacks! Lol. JenniO never paired up with Butterball though, the weird hen obsessively attached to one of our Guineas and it was hilarious to watch! Gosh, I miss them now.
My Grey Saddleback is acting like it can't walk. Yesterday it did this but eventually stood up but this morning it was just sitting down with its wings spread out not moving. It was alive but it would take a couple steps then fall down. I put it on water and it is just floating near the banks after swimming awhile. Any idea what might be going on? Thanks
Well, I think I know what's wrong. After I sent that I look over and a Pekin duck was trying to breed her. She missing feathers on her back and she appears hurt. I saved her thoigh
How is she today? when hurt don't leave them on water unattended. they could drown.

I was watching her the whole time I just wanted to see if she could move her legs. I brought her back home and she can't stand on her own. I can stand her up and hold her up then she walked about 20 feet then just fell over. She missing some feathers on her back and looks scraped up.

When I pick her up she starts kicking her legs so they can move just fine I just don't know if putting pressure on them is the problem. I feel awful for her.
I was watching her the whole time I just wanted to see if she could move her legs. I brought her back home and she can't stand on her own. I can stand her up and hold her up then she walked about 20 feet then just fell over. She missing some feathers on her back and looks scraped up.

When I pick her up she starts kicking her legs so they can move just fine I just don't know if putting pressure on them is the problem. I feel awful for her.
Brought her back home? where was she? could she have been injured by another kind of animal or hit by something? have you looked all over her for wounds or bruising? How old is she/ she could have a niacin dif also. So some Poultry vitamins or human B complex you might want to try. Keep her in an area where she dif doesn't have to be hassled by a drake or gander, and where she isn't having to run to keep up with the flock. Water therapy is good because it takes weight off the legs and also helps build up muscles while injury is healing so as long as you can be with her and help her in and out of the pool let her have water therapy. feel all along her back for any injuries bottom of feet legs for any unusual swelling or heat. I'd look under her feathers though for any sign of trauma.
^she was just on a pond my family farm. I brought her back home I'll definitely look into some vitamins or anything else. She can stand up but can't walk. I'll put her in a pool when I get home from work. She's caged up right now with feed and water next to her. I think she will be ok she's just hurting. I plan on finding a mate for the drake so he can leave the geese alone. He was the only duck on the pond and finally was around something other than Canadian geese. Thank you so much for your help.

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