Poo frozen to my cockerel's butt


9 Years
Jan 11, 2011
Colorado Plains
I have a new roo, will be 24 weeks old tomorrow. With these freezing temps, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he's got poo frozen to his hind-end but he's the only one out of all my chickens.

After I caught him, I brought him inside and tried to clean him off with baby butt wipes, but it's clumped and frozen solid. I didn't want to pull the feathers out with it because we're expecting more frigid weather in a couple of days. So I put him in a medium-large cardboard box and put him near the heat-vent (not on ... no, I won't cook him!). I thought maybe I'd check him every hour to see if it's defrosted enough to declump it.

He's been in for about 45 minutes. Just checked and he's still not defrosted. Back to waiting.

Meanwhile, is there anything else I can do?
You can fill a tub with warm water and let him sit in it for a while. After the poop has softened, gently remove it and check to see that no damage has happened. You will have to dry him thoroughly and may even have to keep him indoors for a day.
Put his tush in some warm water. That'll melt the poopsicle real quick! (Poopsicle.....IT WAS FUNNY!)
How uncomfortable! Poor Guy!

I agree. I would put warm water on his hind end, it will be the fastest and saftest way.
Once you remove the poo clump, be sure to check and make sure he didnt get frost bite from it.

Good Luck!
Yes, poopsicle is funny!

He's kinda skittish (we've only had him a couple of weeks). I think if I tried to put his butt in water, I'd get wetter than him!

I used to do that for chicks who had pasty butt but this is a big cockerel with the beginnings of spurs.

You're right. It might take most of today. Poor thing ... I wish I had a HUGE box for him. But at least he'll be warm and soon, clean. And I'll give him a special treat in a little bit. Suggestions for that special treat? Something good for his digestive system? The only yogurt I have is gogurt. I have some cheese. Oatmeal. Corn.

I had that happen to a hen in our last cold spell. It was like a freeze-dried poopsicle.
It had dried out after it had frozen. I packed her in the tack room (bless my DH for giving me a sink and hot water in the barn) and held her backside under the running warm water.
I was surprised that she didn't fight me -- she's not a hen that likes being touched or (heaven forbid) picked up.
It was like she knew I was helping her...
Anyhoo, I had to work at it for a bit, kind of crushing it off in pieces as it got softened up in the warm water. I did end up plucking a few feathers (ouch!) and she never complained one bit. I rubbed her as dry as I could with a rag and put her back in with the rest of the harem. She was fine.

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