Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

I was wondering the same thing. I only have 6 hens but love the sand. Even though i don't get every smidgen of poo out when I scoop the sand I haven't noticed an odor building on the sand. I do plan to replace/replenish it if I ever do notice a smell building. I like the Sweet PDZ idea just don't know yet if it would be necessary in a coop with only 6 hens. Anyone?
I was wondering the same thing. I only have 6 hens but love the sand. Even though i don't get every smidgen of poo out when I scoop the sand I haven't noticed an odor building on the sand. I do plan to replace/replenish it if I ever do notice a smell building. I like the Sweet PDZ idea just don't know yet if it would be necessary in a coop with only 6 hens. Anyone?
For me...PDZ??? Absolutely! I'm using PDZ in my poop tray...wouldn't use anything else.

Watch this short video on this guy's chicken coop and how he cleans it in less than 10 minutes...he uses PDZ exclusively!


I think after you watch this you'll agree!!
We are almost done with the coop modification. Adding poop boards with PDZ is going to make it so much nicer to clean. The chickens and ducks are going to have more room and will be able to get away from each other better when they want to. We just have the ramps to add tonight.
What I have found to work well for shifting of the poop board is a metal colander (for draining vegetables) the holes are big enough to let the sand or PDZ fall through but holds onto even the little poos. I use a dustpan to scoop up a load of PDZ and dump it into the colander, swish it around a bit and only poop is left, dump and repeat. I clean my poop board about every 2-3 days and it only takes a few minutes. The. Kitty limiter scoop may work okay when my chicks get bigger and poop bigger but right now at 5weeks, everything was falling right through.

That sounds like a great idea. My chicks are 4 weeks and I started with shavings. What a mess. They are everywhere and so hard to clean. Basically have to empty it all out and add all new. I'm thinking of going with construction sand after my shavings are gone and ordering sweet PDZ
A colander is a great idea! My kitty scooper works pretty well, but I do lose some poop. I use a dustpan, too, and then dump it into the compost bin. I have only have two Pullets, so there's not that much to clean, and they poop in the same spot under their roost every night, but PDZ is awesome. I don't know that I'll ever go through my shavings now. I also put some PDZ in the cat litter box, as well as the dogs' sand box because our little old kitty doesn't quite grasp that it's not a litter box. I may be new to chickens, but I wish I had discovered PDZ a long time ago.

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