Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

This is off the poop board question but related to the nesting box conversation: does anyone have nesting boxes inside the coop with have partitions to keep them separate, but no roof over them? We had a "design glitch". Poop board on other side of henhouse. Chicks only 2 weeks old so some modifications can be made. But, shoot, I'm still trying to convince hubby that a little place for them to land on before getting into the nesting box is a good thing. The roofless boxes have a 6" tall board on the "face". All we had were 6" boards, he wanted done with it, wouldn't mount the board lower so..
So help. Roofless nesting boxes ok for hens? They'll just lay regardless?
I'm not handy, but by gosh, I'll get a "landing board" on there one way or another. It may not look good but its for chickens AND if hubby sees it looking bad, hell do it to look good.
I've learned to do things myself so I get them the way I want. That means learning to use power tools. It's really not that hard. I have curtains over my nest boxes in the old coop and they love the privacy. I've got to buy fabric for the new coop nest boxes. The door on the outside of the coop to collect the eggs in open in this picture to give more light for the photo.
BTW, you want the board on top slanted or put something on it so they won't roost there.
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I've learned to do things myself so I get them the way I want. That means learning to use power tools. It's really not that hard. I have curtains over my nest boxes in the old coop and they love the privacy. I've got to buy fabric for the new coop nest boxes. The door on the outside of the coop to collect the eggs in open in this picture to give more light for the photo.
BTW, you want the board on top slanted or put something on it so they won't roost there.
Is that coop brand new, like just built?
Hi, pfields, What I see that looks like what might have a similar effect as my boxes is that your boxes seem to be placed at a window. So, to that extext the boxes you made have the same amount or more light exposure than my boxes, also inside the coop but without roofs. I'm going to get some pics on this thread, a pic being worth 1,000 words.
It's about 4 months old in that picture. I took that picture right after we installed the nest boxes and I hung the curtains. I waited to install them until it was time for them to lay eggs.
I wondered about the light behind the nests too....but I see now it was doors that were open.

Really wondering about the amount of dust that those curtains will collect and the chickens messing with and maybe getting tangled in the tieback strings.
After having chickens for 18 months the amount of dust in the coop is amazing...undisturbed places-it is THICK!
The chickens don't mess with them at all. They seem to like a secluded place to lay eggs. I just folded the top fabric enough for a rod and sewed across and then folded under the bottom and sewed straight across which I really didn't have to do. After I hung them up I cut in the middle of each curtain about the middle of the nest and then tied back the sides. They're hanging on a tiny round curtain rod that has hooks on each end. When they get dusty I take them down, wash them and put them back up. Just takes a few minutes and their clean again.

In the picture you can see hardware cloth. The hardware cloth was put up before the nests were installed so I could open up the coop for air flow. Also, I removed the plastic bins and put a small board across the bottom of the top three nests so the eggs wouldn't fall out and then filled all with shavings. I didn't like the plastic bins, they just weren't necessary.
AhHa! Yes, now I also see that there are doors behind the boxes that can be opened/closed for ventilation. SO .... here is what I have and what I'm not too thrilled with, although if it works I'll be just fine with it. I know I'm going to put a "landing board" about 2 inches down from the front board. Think I'll use shelf brackets and a board ... Sufficient? In the top right corner you can barely see a 2x8 that is 39" from the floor. If it seems like the hens would do better with a roof for the boxes, I think I can figure out a way to have a roof for the boxes start at that point, slope downward, and then have curtains across the front. I've seen that curtain idea before and like your pfields. Suggestions?
AhHa! Yes, now I also see that there are doors behind the boxes that can be opened/closed for ventilation. SO .... here is what I have and what I'm not too thrilled with, although if it works I'll be just fine with it. I know I'm going to put a "landing board" about 2 inches down from the front board. Think I'll use shelf brackets and a board ... Sufficient? In the top right corner you can barely see a 2x8 that is 39" from the floor. If it seems like the hens would do better with a roof for the boxes, I think I can figure out a way to have a roof for the boxes start at that point, slope downward, and then have curtains across the front. I've seen that curtain idea before and like your pfields. Suggestions?
That would be great to use shelf holders (I'd use three ) screwed onto the legs and then screw on a 1x4 or two 1x2's side by side for your jump board.

Can you remove the (looks like a 1x6 board) in the front of the nest boxes and cut it down to half that size? That would also give you more clearance getting into the nests and still keep the eggs in if you find your slanted board too low. If not that's okay too. Make sure you sand all the boards where their feet touch really good and no screws are poking out of the wood. You probably already thought of that.

You could hang your curtains from the front of your slanted down board. Can't wait to see how it comes out.

I've got to make new curtains for my new coop. I was thinking about using those cheap vinyl table cloths that you can get at a Dollar General, etc. Not the really thin ones but the ones that have a back. I could cut them down and then staple them to the wood and when they got dusty I could just wipe them down with a wash cloth. What do you think?
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