Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Picture of my new coop.
If I put curtains on the bottom row it will be very hard for me to see the eggs so I was thinking of just putting them on the top on both sides. So far, they've only laid eggs on the top nest boxes on both sides. I might even close off the bottom nests. When my husband was building them he thought I wanted them on both sides and I only needed 14 nest boxes on one side. If I had it to do over again I would just put one long row of nest boxes all along one side under the poop board and that would have given them more floor space.
What I think I'm going to do is use short screws to attach the brackets to the 6" tall 1x6 and make sure the landing on board is about 2" from the top of the 6" high face board. Ripping that 1x6 is exactly what hubby would not do. He wanted done!!
I am ok with that. He put a lot into it and I helped, but enough was enough. (I've also described to him what I'm going to do. He seems less than keen on the look of it so I'll see if he chooses to be involved in making the landing board. The roof I think I'm going to use the vinyl tablecloth idea placed at a slope. The vinyl is just not strong enough for roosting on. Ive not figure out just how. I think they'll get the fact that its not that strong real quick. Curtains? Well ..I don't think the vinyl will work after all unless you plan on flipping the whole curtain(s) up. That stuff is pretty stiff and wouldn't tie back. A dark color plastic shower curtain would work better, and because they're long, when one length is icky, just cut another. I think. I'll keep you posted! Love my chickies. My nephew came and saw them and it was so sweet seeing another tough WV man standing there with a silly grin on his face.

All. Let me see what you come up with for curtains.
My only concern on the wide front board was that you might not have the clearance you want for the hens with the top board. If you do, well I certainly wouldn't remove that board and cut it down. It's hard to tell from pictures.

The table cloth might just work for your top cover and would be a cheap quick fix.

My thought on the vinyl table cloth was to staple it up there and then just cut triangles out of the center in front of each nest and not do tie backs. It might not work but they cost about $5 and I would only need one.
Picture of my new coop.
If I put curtains on the bottom row it will be very hard for me to see the eggs so I was thinking of just putting them on the top on both sides. So far, they've only laid eggs on the top nest boxes on both sides. I might even close off the bottom nests. When my husband was building them he thought I wanted them on both sides and I only needed 14 nest boxes on one side. If I had it to do over again I would just put one long row of nest boxes all along one side under the poop board and that would have given them more floor space.
You could still take out one side of nesting boxes if you want, then you could hang their feeders and waterers under there and save even more floor space. or are the dividers removable? you could use them for storage, put some doors over the front.
The nest boxes could be removed but they are very heavy and all one piece screwed into the poop board. My husband would croak, lol. The feeder is for the 14 week old chicks. My older chickens have a feeder outside along with three water supplies.
So I got the Sweet stuff and put it in the coop. I have 5 5 week old chicks and they want to take a dust bath in it. Is that a problem? Will it harm them?

Thanks, Cluckies and pfields. I think that I'll make the landing board addition and have the roof idea worked out and ready if it looks like they're gonna do better with it
I like the idea of making triangular cuts into the tablecloth. Tomorrow I'm getting the vertical nipple things. Found a water bottle I'd not used in ??? Well see how well it works. I think it'll be fine
So I got the Sweet stuff and put it in the coop. I have 5 5 week old chicks and they want to take a dust bath in it. Is that a problem? Will it harm them?

Mine do that too, it won't hurt them.

They end up flinging it all over tho, wasting it IMO......
.....that's why I keep the sand/Sweet PDZ mix only 1/2" deep on the roost board, they are much less likely to dust bathe in it then.

Of coarse they need somewhere to dust bathe tho, so provide something if they don't bath outside somewhere.
So I got the Sweet stuff and put it in the coop. I have 5 5 week old chicks and they want to take a dust bath in it. Is that a problem? Will it harm them?

It won't hurt them at all. Put some in a pan on the floor for them to dust bath in. Mix in some DE, sand and some wood ash from a burn pile if you have any.

PDZ isn't cheap. I could only find 25 pound bags ($9.99) at TSC so I called our closest country feed store about 12 miles away and he orders the 40 pound bags (9.99-14.99). The sides to our poop board are high so I like it a little deeper.

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