Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Thanks, Cluckies and pfields. I think that I'll make the landing board addition and have the roof idea worked out and ready if it looks like they're gonna do better with it
I like the idea of making triangular cuts into the tablecloth. Tomorrow I'm getting the vertical nipple things. Found a water bottle I'd not used in ??? Well see how well it works. I think it'll be fine
Great, can't wait to see your finished product. I'll take some pictures when I get mine fixed up.

We've got to install the second window and add the front porch. Our ground is saturated with water from so much rain. We had a load of sand delivered last week but the rain has kept us from being able to spread much of it out. We've been trying to fill in the low spots in our backyard to keep it dryer for the chickens and make it smoother to mow.
My roost is low enough where they can't dust bath under it in the sweet PDZ in the tray. I do provide areas with organic peat moss where they can bath in the winter.
Our new chicken coop is done and full. We moved the big girls in late this afternoon after we fenced in the new coop to the run. (The chicks have been in since the first of the week.) HB left them a picture in the fresh Sweet PDZ below their new poop boards. I was wondering if anyone have ever tried kitty litter instead of Sweet PDZ. HB said that it kinda looks the same.

I love the zen designs.
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Zen pattern is great. Been reading back through this thread - consensus seems to be to avoid kitty litter. PDZ the way to go on the poop board with or without sand mixed in from what I read. We're within a few days of moving the chicks to the coop. Our local farm supply store is dropping off 3 bags of pine shavings (stocking up on them!) and one of sweet PDZ. We have felt paper stapled up to seal cracks between boards. Raw lumber boards do shrink! Gonna put a vinyl tablecloth across the open nesting boxes to keep chicks out of them. And, even tho he rolls his eyes and pretends to be aggravated, hubby put a lip on the poop board. I thought it was an obvious need. Nope! Had to coax him into it. It's really looking official!
BEFORE reading this thread.....






Good thing I used screws!
Still not sure about the number and placement of the boxes especially on the small wall since the one in the corner will be a pain to collect from.
I've read, but have no experience, that you need one nesting box for every 3 hens. Does that help? I'd leave the corner space alone, esp since it looks like the little what I call landing boards that are like a sidewalk in front of the boxes still need installed. Unless you're absolutely needing every square inch with something in it, them having floor space might be a good thing?
BEFORE reading this thread.....


Good thing I used screws!
Still not sure about the number and placement of the boxes especially on the small wall since the one in the corner will be a pain to collect from.
Yep, screws are the best, because I always want to change/fix something.
Deck/drywall screws are the best because usually no pilot/clearance holes are needed.

1 nest for each 3-4 hens. I'd not use the corner one.
I've read, but have no experience, that you need one nesting box for every 3 hens. Does that help? I'd leave the corner space alone, esp since it looks like the little what I call landing boards that are like a sidewalk in front of the boxes still need installed. Unless you're absolutely needing every square inch with something in it, them having floor space might be a good thing?

I am not too worried about floor space because they will have a 16x24 covered run for when I'm gone or on nasty days when I don't feel like letting them out to free range in the pasture. Sent the wrong person to pick up chicks for me. I said 10 only for them to bring home 20 :barnie :p
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