Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

I'm working on my 'coop' which is a sectioned off area in my shed, the coop part is 4 x 12 for 8 chicks coming.

Anyhow, here's a couple pics of my 'poop' boards (never would have thought of this without this forum

Above & the two below is from the run area (not done yet) looking in, did this one over the nesting boxes
used Fiberglass panels (kitchen/commercial grade to line the boards and wall )

Below is a small one I made in a corner
does the Stall Dri or Sweet PDZ do the same thing as the DE? And whats the name of the stuff that I read somewhere on here that you can toss on the floor and in nesting boxes for mites and such....is that the DE also?
Hi all, I've read through most of these pages and don't see the answer I'm looking for so someone could hopefully answer this for me. Has anyone attempted to build a two layer roost with poop board? Do you need just a single larger poop board with staggered roosts or two poop boards one under the other? Or would this be problematic for the chickens to get way up to the top one, or will they only use the top one and ignore the lower one? We are in the process of planning our coop, we are hoping to get 12-15 Black Copper Marans. We are thinking 8ft x 4 or 5 ft for the coop and about 8ftx12ft for the run. A single roost pole of 8ft only leaves enough roosting room for about 10 chickens based on some of the other threads I've read. Maybe we should make an L onto the short wall as well for the last few chickens? Otherwise I'm guessing we will have to do a two-layer roost since there won't be enough room to do poop boards down both long sides of the coop. I REALLY want to incorporate these poop boards with PDZ for our coop, but trying to figure out where to align the roost, nesting boxes, room for water, how high to make the roost, whether or not to allow the chickens to run under the coop, and where the access doors should go is giving me a headache! This website is AWESOME though!

As you can tell from my picture we already have bees, so excited to try chickens, too!
I think if by staggered you mean having one higher and offset from the lower one as in a step ladder, then one poop board should be fine. The ladies can hop from one to the other. I have layered poles in the kennel where my babies are currently residing and they jump from one to the higher ones and some just hang out on the lower ones. I guess it also depends on how wide the space is thats available for the board to stand out from the wall, figurine it will nao be nearly 2 chicken wide..lol. But if space allowes, then go vertical, we are!
does the Stall Dri or Sweet PDZ do the same thing as the DE? And whats the name of the stuff that I read somewhere on here that you can toss on the floor and in nesting boxes for mites and such....is that the DE also?
PDZ does dry the poo and eliminate odors but is not the same as DE. PDZ is just a mineral and doesn't do anything for parasites like DE does.
So, pdz on the poop boards. and sprinkle some DE on the floors and in nest boxes for mites and such? My husband said his grandpa use to dust his chickens with seven dust. but I dont like that idea?????
Caw6142: "I think if by staggered you mean having one higher and offset from the lower one as in a step ladder, then one poop board should be fine. The ladies can hop from one to the other. I have layered poles in the kennel where my babies are currently residing and they jump from one to the higher ones and some just hang out on the lower ones. I guess it also depends on how wide the space is thats available for the board to stand out from the wall, figurine it will nao be nearly 2 chicken wide..lol. But if space allowes, then go vertical, we are!"

Thank you, that is exactly what I meant and what I was thinking. Glad to know it is working for you!
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I just wanted to pop in to comment on the original post way way back there, lol

I too converted from shavings to sand in the coop about 3 months ago. Ohhh how I loved it at first. 5 minutes every day scooping the poo out and it was as good as new. I kept shavings on the poop board and in the nest boxes. 15 dollars for a ton of sand on the floor and refilling it might cost me a whole 10 dollars a year, and I never have to worry about the girls having grit.

Now I find though (just like the OP) that the dust is really irritating, the smell is getting worse, if I dont scoop every single day then I triple my time the next day, and oddly enough i miss the smell of pine shavings.

I have just recently decided to go to more of a hybrid system. I am going to widen my poop boards slightly to catch that little bit that gets by them, I am shoveling that ton of sand into the run for grit and dust baths, I am going back to deep litter pine, and I will put new (washed) sand mixed with PDZ on the poop boards. I really feel I will get the better of both worlds with this solution.

I have been doing this for a while now and it is amazing how much I continue to learn.....
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