Poop Board Lining material


🥇Ukraine 🥇
5 Years
Nov 5, 2018
Tolland County Connecticut, USA
I have a question about those of you who use sand for under your roost on your poop boards. I am currently using pine flakes which seems to keep the poop elevated and allows for it to dry out. Unless for some reason it's bad in the coop or gets stinky I have been scraping thru and picking out the poop once a week. In doing so I take out roughly 2 -5 gallon pails of poop but a majority of the 2 pails is pine flakes. Question to the sand users. Are you guys able to use like a pooper scooper and just remove the poop? Kinda little a litter box for a cat. Do you change all the sand? What do you do? Also how thick do you put the sand? Does the poop dry out or does it stay kinda wet being on the sand ? I am not apposed to changing over to sand under poop boards but wouldn't mind some input on what your take is. @aart what say you?
I've been using PDZ instead of but similar to sand. And yes, I just use a cat box scooper. I put it on about an inch or 2 thick. It dries out the poop for sure. PDZ is a horse stall freshener, sold in the equine aisle. It's a mineral called Zeolite. It's granular but also kind of dusty and I recommend wearing a dust mask when scooping.
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Granular sweet PDZ is what I choose to use. A very thin layer is sufficient to keep the poop from crusting to the board and PDZ also acts to absorb ammonia and and aid the poop in drying more quickly, limiting the moisture put out into the air by the accumulation of waste overnight. For cleaning I use this handy little guy

This is the head of a stall fork with quarter inch hardware cloth zip tied to the underside. It's larger than a regular cat scooper as well as stronger so it makes cleaning that much easier
So no more sand? Just an 1/8" layer of sweet pdz?
That is all I use, it doesn't take much PDZ to be effective, in fact the more the less effective it can be because it invites dust bathing in the poop board. It's a lot like using cornmeal in a thin layer on the bottom of a pizza crust to prevent sticking to the pizza Pan… it just creates that little barrier
Ok maybe I'll give this PDZ stuff a go. My nesting boxes have wood flakes and I have what seems to be a hen from time to time laying an egg on the poop board with it also being wood flakes. Maybe switching to PDZ on the poop board will change her ways. :fl
So no more sand? Just an 1/8" layer of sweet pdz?
Yep, couldn't find the good sand that I used at the start anymore...so just went to straight PDZ. Started using less as the cost stacks up and it wasn't really needed.... and using less makes sifting quicker as I sift the entire volume of PDZ on the boards daily.

That is all I use, it doesn't take much PDZ to be effective, in fact the more the less effective it can be because it invites dust bathing in the poop board. It's a lot like using cornmeal in a thin layer on the bottom of a pizza crust to prevent sticking to the pizza Pan… it just creates that little barrier
This made me chuckle, great analogy...I often think while sifting 'it's shake and bake, and I helped' :lol:

Yes, indeed, the deeper it is the more dust bathing happens,
why I went from 1+" to less than a quarter inch at the beginning.
I just got back from TSC and picked up 2 bags of sweet pdz, $8.99 each on sale Time to change over tomorrow. Not sure if I will be using sand yet.
@aart not sure if you have them where you are located but do you have any Mason supply places to check for Mason sand? To me it's nothing more than washed sand.

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