Pop quiz on feeding yogurt


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Today I treated all of our animals, chickens included, to some yogurt. First time they've had any in awhile.

When I took two trays of the yogurt out to the juveniles I forgot the cardinal rule of feeding yogurt.

Can anyone tell me what the cardinal rule of feeding yogurt to chickens is?
Drop and run!
Ah, an A+ for both of you. I know better than to just stand there, but every once in awhile my brain takes a vacation.
My girls must be Miss Manners. They lap up every bite!

I was feeding yogurt to them every day and then realized that it was probably pretty high in calcium for their young bodies. I give it to them about twice a week now, much to their dismay.
I give mine organic plain yogurt topped with red cayenne pepper. I decided to try some to see why they like it so much. That's gotta be the most awful tasting stuff ever. Why, do they like it? I guess that's why people say "That's for the Birds"
Yogurt is good for their digestive system. As far as your birds eating yogurt you would have to give them some. I only give my chick's plain organic yogurt.

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