Porcelain D'Uccle Cock make offer or will trade -Hoston TX


15 Years
Mar 15, 2009
We thought this was going to be a hen when we purchased it. This guy has started crowing and I need to find a good home for him ASAP!

We were asking $20 for him but send me an offer! I'm getting desperate!
Would considering trading for a couple of PUREBRED black copper marans or Golden Cuckoo marans chicks or Ameraucana or Aracauna PULLETS.
The cockerel for sale is about 3 months old and already out in the coop. He is used to free-range within a fence in the day, but we lock them up in the coop at night for protection. He is not territorial and does not dominate. He tends to mind his own business and avoid conflict. He has been hand-fed since birth, but still tends to be skittish around the kids. He can be picked up here in Lake Jackson or at the Firestone in Pearland early in the mornings (I don't want him to be confined too long.)

Feel free to contact us with any questions.
This guy is very small and is not hardy. He is meant to be sold ONLY to someone willing to provide a SAFE home for him. Please do not contact us if you are unable or unwilling to do this.
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