Portable airport "full body" scanners driving around neighborhoods??


Unfortunately I've yet to find the bracelets in a nice flag print... neon pink just doesn't do it for me.

In my research for this November's elections (around here/my district) I'll be including how, if at all, the candidates voted for the Patriot Act among others... Health, Bailouts, Etc. How they voted on that can tell you a LOT about what they're plans are for the future... if they want MORE power to peep in your windows... or less. I won't vote for anyone who's trying to spy on me... just gives me the willies to think about some fat, balding old guy taking a gander... claim it's for this or that all you want, it's still creepy and a blatant violation of the foundations of this country...

So... yeah WWJD definitely strikes home with me... "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. " Well, maybe we let them get a foothold... doesn't mean we can't snap their belay at any time.

Unfortunately I've yet to find the bracelets in a nice flag print... neon pink just doesn't do it for me.

In my research for this November's elections (around here/my district) I'll be including how, if at all, the candidates voted for the Patriot Act among others... Health, Bailouts, Etc. How they voted on that can tell you a LOT about what they're plans are for the future... if they want MORE power to peep in your windows... or less. I won't vote for anyone who's trying to spy on me... just gives me the willies to think about some fat, balding old guy taking a gander... claim it's for this or that all you want, it's still creepy and a blatant violation of the foundations of this country...

So... yeah WWJD definitely strikes home with me... "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. " Well, maybe we let them get a foothold... doesn't mean we can't snap their belay at any time.

Sounds like you won't be voting for anyone. I can guarantee you that one group voted for the Patriot Act down to the last person. The other group voted for all the social programs and attempts at helping the country. I think you have eliminated the whole bunch.

Unfortunately I've yet to find the bracelets in a nice flag print... neon pink just doesn't do it for me.

In my research for this November's elections (around here/my district) I'll be including how, if at all, the candidates voted for the Patriot Act among others... Health, Bailouts, Etc. How they voted on that can tell you a LOT about what they're plans are for the future... if they want MORE power to peep in your windows... or less. I won't vote for anyone who's trying to spy on me... just gives me the willies to think about some fat, balding old guy taking a gander... claim it's for this or that all you want, it's still creepy and a blatant violation of the foundations of this country...

So... yeah WWJD definitely strikes home with me... "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. " Well, maybe we let them get a foothold... doesn't mean we can't snap their belay at any time.

Sounds like you won't be voting for anyone. I can guarantee you that one group voted for the Patriot Act down to the last person. The other group voted for all the social programs and attempts at helping the country. I think you have eliminated the whole bunch.

It stinks that the country has come to that. I like the term "Republicrat." If we could somehow get Walter Williams and John Stossel in high office, we might have a chance, but neither of those are electable. Ron Paul wouldn't stand a chance for president, even though he's the only Congressman who will literally be the one "No" vote based on principle. I really like him; he is totally unwilling to compromise. Compromise in Washington means failure.
Compromise in Washington means failure.

I agree. It's impossible to make everyone happy. Either do it the way the people that elected you want it done or just don't do it.
What I write here is neither political nor religious comment. However, the easy way in which governments around the world are introducing more and more controls over ordinary people and the reasons that they give for it needs to be thought about. If you disagree with what I write that's OK with me. Just say so calmly and politely. We don't need to fight over who is the enemy!

I don't understand why there is so much hysteria about terrorists and other troublemakers. Are they really hanging around waiting to bomb our homes and families? Isn't it more likely that you will be attacked by a thief in your own home? While scanners are looking through your walls as you are in bed or showering, anyone who might have something to hide from them would have buried it in the woods.

Even though there is plenty of evidence nowadays about the misinformation that's used to persuade people it's OK to sacrifice personal freedoms, I see that some people still fall for it. For well researched examples of what I mean read these two important books:

The New Pearl Harbor

The New Pearl Harbor Revisited

Both by David Ray Griffin, Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology, Claremont Graduate University, California. Published by Arris Books.

Perhaps the increasing intrusion into people's private lives isn't a problem while we have the kinds of governments that we have. Perhaps even that is a debatable point. However, once you give up your right to privacy and freedom, you won't get it back. If you then find yourself living under a regime that is less benevolent and makes laws to protect it's own power, then the rights and freedoms that you sacrificed would be sorely missed. Wasn't the lack of privacy and freedom and the control it gave to autocrats one of the big issues in the USSR?

Isn't it interesting that, soon after the Cold War ended and the USSR was no longer seen as a threat to the West, new enemies were found? Amongst those enemies were former allies of the West who had been funded, armed and trained by the West? Funny old world.

Someone suggested earlier in this thread that there might be less trouble from Muslim terrorists if America didn't have bases all over their parts of the world. That is a commonly held view, at least outside the US, but the problem is really much older and deeper. The English Crusader Knights, in the name of their god, plundered Islamic wealth and occupied Muslim lands. When they were finally ousted they took off with all that wealth. They became the Knights of St. John, Knights Templar and other secret groups. They created what amounted to a rudimentary international banking system. Despite the brutal attempts of a French King, the wealth was never found and many Knights fled to other parts of Europe.

That, very briefly, just how old and deep is this problem and it was not created by the US. However, when two Heads of State send troops to a Muslim country claiming to be in the right because they are Christians, you can imagine, I hope, just how insulted and angry many Muslims were.

It may be too late now to undo the damage done centuries ago and today. Islam is spreading rapidly in the Western world, if only by the fact that the average Muslim family produces more children that other families. Some people expect that most to the Western world will be predominately Muslim in just a few decades' time. See then who will be called terrorists.

The solution, if there is one, isn't fear, fighting or religion. Giving up personal rights now may be seen, in the not too distant future, to be the biggest mistake ever made by people who valued the freedom they sacrificed. The combination of Sharia law and absence of personal privacy is not likely to be a happy one for many people. You think it won't happen? Read what the Archbishop of Canterbury said two years ago:


So, how appropriate do you think home spying devices and, more importantly, the laws that accompany them really are?

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