Positive coccidiosis - have many questions

Sorry about photo quality. I would classify this one a medium consistency for her lately. Sometimes its very liquidy and other times it has some solid pieces in it. Before she became sick she was a good pooper. After the first time she went broody she continued to have big broody poops. We could always pick hers out vs everyone else's.
I will try to get a video of her tomorrow. I found an old post where another member's hen was showing the same neurological type symptoms. It turned out to be an inner ear infection.
Late last night she started acting almost paralyzed - head turned almost all the way around and cocked to the side, one wing about half way extended, and leg on same side straight out in front of her. She was falling over. Same thing today.

I will try to get a video of her tomorrow. I found an old post where another member's hen was showing the same neurological type symptoms. It turned out to be an inner ear infection.

The video would be good.
What are you feeding her?

Is she drinking the Corid water o.k.?
Did she have the symptoms of Wry Neck before you gave the Corid?
How much longer do you have left for your Corid treatment?
The head turned all the way around sounds like Wry Neck, which as @coach723 mentioned is neurological. This is a symptom of certain conditions like Vitamin E /nutritional deficiency, head trauma and diseases like Marek's and Avian Lymphoid Leukosis.

I would first start with vitamin therapy - offer her 400IU of Vitamin E daily, along with some chopped egg for Selenium. See if that helps.

Have you noticed any swelling/bloat or feeling of fluid in her abdomen?

You may need to make her food into a wet mash - chick starter or her normal food would be fine. Some people need to hand feed or wrap their chicken in a towel and help them eat

Thank you @Wyorp Rock !
I started the Corid treatment on Monday. She did have slight neurological issues a few days before I started the Corid.
She won't drink at all. She stopped eating her layer pellets all together about a week ago. She would try to eat them but end up flinging them all over. So I've been feeding her an oat\Corid soup. That is all I've given her since Monday. I didn't know if it was safe to give her Corid and continue the probiotics, electrolytes, and vitamins that I was giving her before.
After reading @coach723 's post and your post about vitamin deficiencies and wry neck I watched some videos. That is exactly what she is exhibiting. (Sorry I haven't posted my own video yet. The one I took isn't very good. I've been trying to get another but I have 3 boys and a husband home today due to snow. )
We did however brave the icey roads to go get her some vitamin E capsules this afternoon. Unfortunately they didn't have any selenium tabs. I was surprised to see that while we were out she got up and ate all her soup! (Probably about half a cup)
So I scrambled an egg, mixed in Corid water, half liquid from a 1000iu vitamin E capsule, a little layer crumble, and a little bit of oats. She has been getting up and down on her own and eating it bit by bit all evening.
And I don't feel any swelling or bloating. All I can feel under her feathers are bones :(
Did I read right that I should only give Corid for 5 days max? My husband was convinced that she wasn't getting enough and talked me into mixing in a more concentrated dose into her soup last night. I'm wondering now if that's why she's perkier today and eating without me having to wake her and coax her to eat???
Tomorrow is day 5 but now I'm worried she didn't get enough the first few days.
How many times a day do I give the vitamin E?
Should I get selenium tabs or just try natural selenium from foods?
You do the Corid at 2 tsp per gallon of water for 5-7 days, and then at 1/2 teaspoon per gallon for another week if you think it's needed. If you think she's been slow to turn around then I'd probably do the second week. That's the severe outbreak dosing as per the chart below. The oral drench of .1ml per pound of weight can be given for up to 3 days in addition to the listed dose in the chart, that is to get the levels up and get them feeling well enough to start drinking on their own. It's pretty safe so a little too much is probably better than not enough.

If you can find the selenium tabs then it will get the levels up quicker, but if not then I would try to feed some foods that will help, but getting her back on a good quality regular feed as soon as you can will help get her nutritional needs met. I would give the E once a day with a selenium source. Here is a link that suggests some food sources: https://www.tillysnest.com/2014/03/vitamin-deficiencies-in-backyard-chicks-html/
Best of luck, hope she keeps improving.
Thank you @Wyorp Rock !
I started the Corid treatment on Monday. She did have slight neurological issues a few days before I started the Corid.
She won't drink at all. She stopped eating her layer pellets all together about a week ago. She would try to eat them but end up flinging them all over. So I've been feeding her an oat\Corid soup. That is all I've given her since Monday. I didn't know if it was safe to give her Corid and continue the probiotics, electrolytes, and vitamins that I was giving her before.
After reading @coach723 's post and your post about vitamin deficiencies and wry neck I watched some videos. That is exactly what she is exhibiting. (Sorry I haven't posted my own video yet. The one I took isn't very good. I've been trying to get another but I have 3 boys and a husband home today due to snow. )
We did however brave the icey roads to go get her some vitamin E capsules this afternoon. Unfortunately they didn't have any selenium tabs. I was surprised to see that while we were out she got up and ate all her soup! (Probably about half a cup)
So I scrambled an egg, mixed in Corid water, half liquid from a 1000iu vitamin E capsule, a little layer crumble, and a little bit of oats. She has been getting up and down on her own and eating it bit by bit all evening.
And I don't feel any swelling or bloating. All I can feel under her feathers are bones :(
Did I read right that I should only give Corid for 5 days max? My husband was convinced that she wasn't getting enough and talked me into mixing in a more concentrated dose into her soup last night. I'm wondering now if that's why she's perkier today and eating without me having to wake her and coax her to eat???
Tomorrow is day 5 but now I'm worried she didn't get enough the first few days.
How many times a day do I give the vitamin E?
Should I get selenium tabs or just try natural selenium from foods?

If she will eat some egg or tuna, those should have sufficient Selenium, you just need a small amount to help with the uptake of Vitamin E.

I would continue the Corid for at least a 7day course.

It's good that she is attempting to eat on her own. The mix you are making, if she will continue with that - it sounds good. Even though you are using Corid water to mix with her food (which is fine), make it available in her drinking water also. (I would stop the electrolytes at this time)

Vitamin E is given at 400IU daily - as for how long, that's harder to know, sometimes it can take weeks. Again, this is something you will have to judge based on how much improvement she makes. Once she is recovering nicely, then you can try tapering the dosage and see how it goes.

After you finish with the Corid treatment, offer some probiotics and B vitamins - you can crush 1/2 of a human B-Complex vitamin and add it to her food daily.
Thank you @coach723 and @Wyorp Rock for taking your time to help! I will try the Corid drench for a few days then the preventative dosage for another week, continue with vitamin E and selenium, and let you all know how its going.
Aaaaaand now I have another issue with the rest of my flock......
Buff (our sick girl) usually lives with 4 ISA Browns. 2 (Charlie and Delta)molted back in the fall and 2 (Blue and Echo) are just recovering from molting. Blue and Echo's combs and wattles are pale and kind of powdery looking. Is this normal after a molt? Could it be coccidiosis? Should I just go ahead and treat them all? Or take another stool sample to vet? Other than appearance they act just fine. There has been an egg production drop but I figured it was the cold weather and molting combined. Last year however there was no drop. They are all almost 2 and this is their first molt. They have also all been confined to their run (usually free range). They refuse to step out into the snow - which we have had for weeks now.
Any advice or thoughts would be GREATLY appreciated!
I've been trying to give them a protein boost with mealworms. And today I put Nutri-drench in their water.

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