Possible Bumblefoot


6 Years
Mar 27, 2013
Texas-Just a little bit South of Weird
I have a 4 yr old Speckled Sussex that may have bumblefoot. She's moving slowly and sitting a lot. I looked at her pads and they appear a little swollen. No heat or redness. I soaked her feet in an epsom salt bath yesterday, which she loved (I had to prop her head up along the edge of the tub cause she was falling asleep). After 20 minutes, I took her out and looked very carefully at both feet. I can't see any plug. Was thinking of starting a round of penicillin and continued soaking twice a day, perhaps bringing it to a head, if that is indeed what it is. Ideas? I can post a picture later today after I soak her again.
I soaked her this morning again and gave her an IM shot of penG. Still no sign of any plug redness or dark spot, she's still reluctant to walk much. I'm going to soak her twice a day and hope it helps. She does have a sore on her breast-wondering if it's a pressure sore from laying so much. I'll get pics when I can. Should have this morning, but I was out of sorts-first time giving a shot to a chicken. I've vaccinated my own horses, dogs & cats, but this is the first chicken. She's eating and drinking. Her crop is full in the evenings. She gobbled up some seedless grapes today too. I put Vetericyn on her sore too.
try getting an epsom salt poultice, wrap her feet and change it out daily or every other day, it will drain the infection without cutting- i found it was the only way to do it with a roo that had chronic bumble(4 years off recurring bumble in both feet) and i could never find the core- the poultice you can get at tsc or you can use prid/drawing salve. Here is a link

Galahads took 4 months but it healed


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What's the difference between that and just making a poultice of epsom salts and betadine? Or ichthammol? Would either of those work? I'm only 4 miles from Tractor Supply, so it's easy for me to get there. Just wondering, since I have epsom salts and ichthammol on hand already. And thank you for that tip! I have vetrap is 2, 3 and 4 inch widths (I buy it by the case LOL)
After her soak yesterday, I put poultice on both feet, with gauze and vetrap. I still don't see any plug, but this morning she seems much more comfortable. She was down in the run and eating well vs laying down in a corner. I'll be soaking again today and re-wrapping her feet, another penG shot and hope she keeps improving.
After her soak yesterday, I put poultice on both feet, with gauze and vetrap. I still don't see any plug, but this morning she seems much more comfortable. She was down in the run and eating well vs laying down in a corner. I'll be soaking again today and re-wrapping her feet, another penG shot and hope she keeps improving.

i have used ichthamol in a similar way, the poultice and ichtomol both draw it out, the poultice is a gel, and stays put- i haven't made a home version of the poultice - i haven't used pen when doing the wrap, but it is a good idea- glad she is feeling better

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