Possible Guinea Eggs in "Quail" Batch?

Has everyone flown south for the winter?
even my husband was asking over you today ! said i havent been talking about you. lol i have been in the hospital. i am ok. it has been pretty quiet here. gonna have to start another hatch or something.
Haha, I hear ya. I'm thinking quail this time. Our oldest hen finally flew the coop a few weeks ago, at the ripe old age of 10. We got her at about 7 years old for $5. She was still laying, but she started slowing down after the first year with us. What a worker bee!
I completely forgot that I do have another project underway! Remember me talking about trying to find something for my gecko to eat, that wouldn't be too gross to raise? Well, I found the perfect thing. I really, really wanted to raise meal worms, because they're the least gross (in my opinion) to handle, and they don't stink. Well, that was going to be a problem, because even though they're easy to raise, they're not the best staple diet for reptiles, because they have a tough outer shell that's hard to digest.

Recently, I came across an insect that's a cousin to the meal worm... Superworms! They're very similar looking to meal worms, but can get about 5x bigger, and are a bit harder to breed. They're packed full of protein, and have very delicate outer shells, so they can be used as a staple for my little Lychee.

I've got my step dad picking up a container of superworms from the pet store today, so I'll have them all set up in a few days! I'll take pictures of the process.

You can also feed superworms to chickens! The ladies are going to love this new project, lol.
yum, sounds delicious . lol never heard of them. have fun with that. hahaaaa i guess i would give it a try . a hen that laid til she was 7? wow. super chicken. thats gotta be close to a record. we should find out if there is a record for that and try to beat it with your super worms. how could you prove it was the same chicken? dna ?
lol, im not worried about any records. she was a factory layer, anyway. i think those can lay until 5, right? 7 shouldn't be unheard of. she'd really only give one egg every few months, anyway.
Well, the superworms were a bust before I even started! I went to petsmart, and opened a container to check them out... I picked one up to see how big it really was, and the little bugger bit me!

Mealworms don't bite, lol. I ended up getting a box of mealworms, I'll take pics tomorrow.
it bit you? omg ! that is too funny cheyan. only you can get bit by a worm. i did think that hens only lay for a couple yrs. so 7 sounded like a whole lot to me. maybe you should feed the lizard to the chickens?

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