Possible Guinea Eggs in "Quail" Batch?

sounds like you kept a good collection. no de lucce or how ever you spell it ? lol do you have pic of serama ? i am supposed to get a pr. in a week or so.
Well, I just got even more mealworms today! I never thought I'd be this excited about bugs, lol. Right now I have a container of oats with about 125-150 mealworms (darkling beetle larvae), and already I'm starting to see little pupae!

This means food for the lizard, and treats for the chickens!

I keep them in an old butter/rice container.

They live in and eat oats, plus have a fresh slice of potato every other day as a source of water.

Here's the larvae inside the oats. The biggest they'll get is about an inch long, and aren't capable of biting, stinging, etc.

Outside the oats! They're very easy to catch and pick up, as the oats don't stick to them. They look slimy/wet, but they're actually just hard and shiny. Not as easy to squish or as gross feeling as crickets!

This one looks dead, but he's actually in the very beginning stage of pupating.

Here's a full-blown pupa. You can see how small it is. The beetle that will come out is very modest and harmless. Just a little black bug, no flying no biting!

Looks gross, but again, actually a bit hard feeling. The pupa don't eat, obviously, but they can wiggle around. I will admit, that's gross, lol.

She loves 'em! Look at that leg action, btw.


Goodbye dirty, smelly, loud, hungry crickets! They were eating me out of house and home.

Sorry little guy, no freeloaders. His name is breakfast.

sounds like you kept a good collection. no de lucce or how ever you spell it ? lol do you have pic of serama ? i am supposed to get a pr. in a week or so.
Oh yeah! We have one of the d'uccles, but she's inside for now. Sorry, no pics of the serama. He's actually very big for a serama, so he's just for looks, not babies.
he has changed color ! its pretty neat about the meal worms. not for me but i like how it all works. i wouldnt of thought they eat oats. thanks for the pictures. and the info
She's still just a baby. She'll keep changing colors until she's all grown up. I don't blame you, granny, bugs are gross. I'm only in it for the free chicken treats.

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