possible injured hip, muscle, or ligament


Sep 12, 2021
Oops. While playing fetch with the dog, accidentally threw the ball towards a couple of meandering chickens who scattered and one ended up crashing into the dog, flipping over, then showing very visible signs of a strong limp on her right leg. She does not want to bear any weight on it.

I picked her up and calmed her down, sitting with her for a bit while palpating her leg to see where the pain may originate.

Bones in the feet and leg seem fine. I also massaged her upper thigh and she doesn't appear to have pain.

But still, she isn't able to bear weight on that leg and uses the wing for additional support.

Obviously, she is isolated from the flock. It has been two days and not much improvement. She is 2 years old.

Anybody know of any other diagnostics to isolate her injury and help her along her healing path?

Have not tried pain medication, although we should.
Pinning this again...I'd like to try to diagnose her injury to figure out what to do.

1. broken leg
2. broken hip
3. torn ligament?

I can move her leg and she doesn't seem to be flinching. But she can't bear weight on it at all and uses her wing for balance.
Hi! Sorry, I'm no expert, but I saw that no one has responded yet. Is there still no visual difference between legs/hips? Do they both feel the same, flex the same, etc? Does one side feel hot anywhere? Is there still no change to her limp since the weekend?
Honestly, I had a pullet mysteriously limping one day with no apparent injury or difference I could detect, and I may have overreacted: she came in and got a daily epsom salt soak, private dog crate lodging (to discourage movement and let the injury heal), yogurt, cooked egg, etc for like 3 days. After that the limp was WAY better and she went back out with her friends, and soon made a full recovery. However, shortly after that ordeal her sister (my other EE) ended up with a mysterious limp. Looks just the same, but now it's like I have second child syndrome so this one isn't getting the special treatment. I wanted to see if it would improve on it's own, and while she is keeping up ok and not getting picked on at all (so ok to stay out with the others) she is still limping and laying down more than usual a few weeks later. 😕 Seems the aggressive intervention/limiting movement approach worked much better even if it is stressful.

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