Possible respiratory infection, peafowl?



5 Years
Aug 20, 2018
Yesterday morning when checking on my 6 month old peafowl that he had a white bubbly discharge from his eyes, his right side worse than his left and a slight mucus discharge from his nostrils. I cleaned his eyes and beak, making sure not to cross contaminate. Went to visit him this morning and he is so much worse today, his right eye was swollen and closed and his left as bubbly as his right one yesterday. Again we have cleaned his eyes with a warm compress and saline solution and removed the mucus from his beak. His right eye is now open, but swollen and his left eye looks clear but I don’t think it’s going to last. Does he have a respiratory infection? Or is it something else? Going to try and find a vet later after work.
Hi Toby,
Your poor peafowl!! Have you heard of MG (Mycoplasma Gallisepticum). It's the first thing comes to mind, but I am not experienced in this. It is just from what I have read up on.

Are their any signs of difficulty breathing or any rattles/rales??

Here is an abstract from a great article on repiratory diseases which I have linked below for you to have a read if you wish.

Mycoplasma gallisepticum
Clinical Symptoms: sticky, serous exudate from nostrils, foamy exudate in eyes, and swollen sinuses can occur
Treatment: Outbreaks of MG can be controlled with the use of antibiotics. Erythromycin, tylosin, spectinomycin, and lincomycin all exhibit anti-mycoplasma activity and have given good results. Administration of most of these antibiotics can be by feed, water or injection. These are effective in reducing clinical disease. However, birds remain carriers for life.

@Cragg Klefor, thank you, he isn’t wheezing or rattling, he seems to be breathing ok, every so often he is shaking his head, I assume to keep the mucus out of his nostrils.
No, unfortunately not. I don’t think I will be able to get my hands on any, I phoned a vet this morning, but the receptionist didn’t know if they worked with peafowl. I have a good pharmacist who has access to veterinary products, so I’m going to speak to him...do you know if there is some human equivalent, in the event I can’t get any?

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