Possible Slipped Tendon

I'm not very good at explaining that sort of thing and those were just pictures I found on the web. Do a search for chick or chicken chair or chick or chicken sling.

Here is a good link to see more like the ones below: http://www.pinterest.com/barefoothollow/chicken-sling/

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Thanks. I have been trying to correct this for a week now. Have been to the vet and they say it's not slipped tendon but the joint is swollen and they gave antibiotics. They taped the legs above and below the hock. I just am at a loss.
How old? Mycoplasma synoviae, viral arthritis, and an injury could also cause swelling of the hock joints. There are a few other leg bone deformities also that get progressively worse, such as tibial dyschondroplasia, chondrodystrophy with a valgus-varus deformity, and twisted tibia. Most of the chick chairs are homemade out of paper or styrofoam cups, or baby shirts with holes cut into them. The food and water cups are made out of bottle caps in the baby chair. Here are some links to read:
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It's a week old silkie. It doesn't have any other symptoms. Has a good appetite and is gaining some weight. These were shipped eggs.


Here are a couple pics. I took the tape off, I think it was making it worse. I didn't get anti-inflammatory. I almost think it's too far gone.

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