Possible stroke - chicken wobbly


Sep 11, 2022
Hi my chicken has been recovering from mites. She had three doses of ivermectin last dose over a week ago. She’s been doing a funny yawning habit but only occasionally. All other chickens acting normal.This morning she came out of the coop fine- ate run around and dust bathed. I noticed in the afternoon she was very sleepy I brought her inside as she can sometimes be picked up on. That was for about three hours and she slept. When I took her back outside she would walk five steps or so And then wobble to the right. Then walk and stand again then wobble again. Sometimes she was completely normal and scratching for food But then another time she seemed disorientated. I am now worried she has had a stroke? She doesn’t lay as has the superlorin implant. She’s very loved but I don’t want her to suffer. I let her sleep with others tonight and she sleeps in the nest box - has for months now. Any feedback or thoughts much appreciated As don’t know what’s wrong!
The only different thing we did today was start them on course of flubenvet (no worms- just preventative measure) and I sprayed under her wings with a natural mite repellent
How old is she? She must have been suffering from a laying disorder before when she had the hormone implant to stop her laying. That is probably why she has taken to her nest box to sleep. Is her crop emptying overnight? How does it feel during the day? Worming her with the flubendazole may be helpful. What do her poops look like? Pictures can be helpful. Mites are very hard to get rid of even with permethrin or or other treatments. The coop has to also be treated and the other chickens. Mite treatment may be necessary every 7 days for a bit, to break the lifecycle. Mites may cause anemia, weakness, and eventually death.
Thanks so much for your reply. Yes she had egg peritonitis twice, the hormone implant was put in about 3 months ago. She’s an ex battery and is about 4.5 years. I’ve got three chickens, all have been treated for mites, by ivermectin drops and also a medicine the vet gave (can’t remember name but began with E). The coop has been thoroughly cleaned and treated twice now, and I think we are mostly mite free although paranoid about them. Her yawning thing has been concerning but it seemed irregular enough to not upset her and the vet checked and could find nothing wrong but did give her more ivermectin in case it was gape worm (so now been worried about ivermectin toxicity but that was about 7 days ago so I’d have thought I’d see the symptoms before now)

This morning she was fine, then suddenly very sleepy (not even lethargic but actual exhaustion). I only noticed her wobble when she went to the coop to go to sleep. I guess I have to see what she is like tomorrow if she makes it and take it from there. The other two chickens seem to be doing fine. Am so worried.
If she has egg masses (salpingitis) inside her belly, those or a tumor could cause pressure on her leg (sciatic) nerves, and that may cause problems walking. The Flubenvet is supposed to work against gapeworms.
Day 2 update: Apart from one wobble this morning, not seen any other times she has done it. She’s eating quite a lot and drinking but is definitely slower and rests a lot. But then she’ll have an occasional burst and run and scratch about. I do worry her crop is giving her pain as she does look and preen around it quite a bit and the yawning implies she’s uncomfortable but it doesn’t seem impacted or odd shape. She has normal droppings although this morning I thought it might be a bit of diarrhoea. I was thinking of giving her some metecam for pain relief but don’t want to give her even more medicine if it’s not needed. Could it be the mites still? Or that her little body has taken a lot in its four and half years and she just might be finding it tough now?
Day 2 update: Apart from one wobble this morning, not seen any other times she has done it. She’s eating quite a lot and drinking but is definitely slower and rests a lot. But then she’ll have an occasional burst and run and scratch about. I do worry her crop is giving her pain as she does look and preen around it quite a bit and the yawning implies she’s uncomfortable but it doesn’t seem impacted or odd shape. She has normal droppings although this morning I thought it might be a bit of diarrhoea. I was thinking of giving her some metecam for pain relief but don’t want to give her even more medicine if it’s not needed. Could it be the mites still? Or that her little body has taken a lot in its four and half years and she just might be finding it tough now?
Please give us an update as I have the same issue, thank you

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