Possibly vitamin deficiency? Chick can’t stand up


Jun 28, 2020
She’s right at a week old. Was fine yesterday and this morning. Around noon today I noticed her on her side in the brooder, which is a rabbit/guinea pig cage outside, it’s hot here as there’s 28 other chicks (all others seem to be doing fine) so no lamp. She’s alert, eating, and drinking some, just can’t stand on her own. I bought new food and vitamin/probiotic water mix today for the rest. Gave her acv in water early which helped perk her back up. Poops are normal but very dry. I guess my question is how long will recovery take and is it worth it to pen her separately or should I just let nature do it’s thing? I work full time during the week so can’t monitor throughout the day.
Any suggestions are welcome. I’m not against culling if she’s suffering. She doesn’t seem to be in pain but seems frustrated not being able to move around and has fallen into the water (jar cap) a few times
She is doing better today. She’s able to halfway stand but shes top heave so she goes running/flopping around. She’s drinking lots of water and eating a little food. I put her with the others when I can watch her which cheers her up but she’s in a box while I’m away so she doesn’t get trampled.
I’ve started calling her Divebomb

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