post any and all waterfowl pictures here!!! ponds, pools, aviarys, coops, runs, etc.

keep posting pics every week they change so much from week to week.. your lilttle blk one maybe cayuga... I love ducklings

No they look alot like my little one. The little yellow ducklings look alot like when I got her and I can see lighter part of her neck coming in. I think she may be one of those. Time will tell.
I don't know about the top duckie, but the one in the second pic doesn't look like my Black Swedes did as ducklings...

I picked up another set of ducklings today. This set is my DD's for 4-H. TSC said they were both Mallards but the black one doesnt look like a mallard. HHmmmm ideas on what it is?

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A sleeping Daisy.
She's been perfecting her flamingo stance on one leg. It was funny to watch her hesitate when she started.
I know it's a normal duck thing,but I don't think she does.

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