post any and all waterfowl pictures here!!! ponds, pools, aviarys, coops, runs, etc.

Hi All! I'm new to the forum. Just thought I'd share a pic of my little duck barn (it's really a small 8'x8' coop, but I figured if I paint it red with white trim I could call it a barn, and by golly I will! haha). My hubby and I are relatively new to ducks, and this is the awesome winter housing he built last fall to keep our flock warm when it's cold outside. It got down to -60F this winter and they stayed nice and toasty inside. When it's warm enough out, they have access to the covered deck through a doggy door. It wasn't easy teaching them to use it as they are scared of the flap, but eventually they figured it out. So funny to watch. Oh yeah, we have a small flock of indian runners which we hatched in 2011 from a breeding pair we bought from Holderread's.

Beautiful! You must have some very happy ducks!

Just thought this was too cute with her little tongue stickin out

that is a good picture,
like the tongue sticking out lol
Hi All! I'm new to the forum. Just thought I'd share a pic of my little duck barn (it's really a small 8'x8' coop, but I figured if I paint it red with white trim I could call it a barn, and by golly I will! haha). My hubby and I are relatively new to ducks, and this is the awesome winter housing he built last fall to keep our flock warm when it's cold outside. It got down to -60F this winter and they stayed nice and toasty inside. When it's warm enough out, they have access to the covered deck through a doggy door. It wasn't easy teaching them to use it as they are scared of the flap, but eventually they figured it out. So funny to watch. Oh yeah, we have a small flock of indian runners which we hatched in 2011 from a breeding pair we bought from Holderread's.

That is a beautiful/great coop! Alaska is very beautiful but it is also very very cold thier!!!.

please post some pictures of you duckies if you can to, would love to see them. Also what color of runners did you get from holderreads? next week I am driving up to thier place and getting my self a beautiful & huge one year old dewlap tuolouse gander, that is my birthday present from my self to me lol
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Hi Poultry09 - That is exciting you are getting a dewlap toulouse from Holderreads!
I have only seen the regular toulouse here at the fair, and they are usually pretty small and not high quality. You'll have to show us some pics when you get him. Also should be neat to visit their farm. I know they don't do farm tours of the actual duck areas, but I bet you can still kinda see what kinda setup they got goin on. Must be huge. I got from them a breeding pair of blue runners - they shipped them to me as adults in the fall/early winter. Supposedly when you cross them you get half blue, quarter silver or silver splash and quarter black offspring. I just hatched a few so I got just blue and silver splash. The splashed ones were actually almost white and turned out to be very beautiful. I also crossed my male with a 'production quality' fawn and white from Metzer's farm just for fun and got some strange colors from that. The offspring layed large white eggs instead of the cool green/blue ones of the Holderread ones. The drake that came out of it though was real pretty (see below in bottom image).


offspring from blue x blue mating

~week old runner babies

The one in front here is a drake out of blue x fawn and white cross
Hi Poultry09 - That is exciting you are getting a dewlap toulouse from Holderreads!
I have only seen the regular toulouse here at the fair, and they are usually pretty small and not high quality. You'll have to show us some pics when you get him. Also should be neat to visit their farm. I know they don't do farm tours of the actual duck areas, but I bet you can still kinda see what kinda setup they got goin on. Must be huge. I got from them a breeding pair of blue runners - they shipped them to me as adults in the fall/early winter. Supposedly when you cross them you get half blue, quarter silver or silver splash and quarter black offspring. I just hatched a few so I got just blue and silver splash. The splashed ones were actually almost white and turned out to be very beautiful. I also crossed my male with a 'production quality' fawn and white from Metzer's farm just for fun and got some strange colors from that. The offspring layed large white eggs instead of the cool green/blue ones of the Holderread ones. The drake that came out of it though was real pretty (see below in bottom image).


offspring from blue x blue mating

~week old runner babies

The one in front here is a drake out of blue x fawn and white cross

Beautiful runners! I'm working on hatching my second batch of Holderread's runners this spring! I'm hoping they are as upright as adults as they are as babies!
They are adorable I love runners and hope to have some one day... and

Hi Poultry09 - That is exciting you are getting a dewlap toulouse from Holderreads!
I have only seen the regular toulouse here at the fair, and they are usually pretty small and not high quality. You'll have to show us some pics when you get him. Also should be neat to visit their farm. I know they don't do farm tours of the actual duck areas, but I bet you can still kinda see what kinda setup they got goin on. Must be huge. I got from them a breeding pair of blue runners - they shipped them to me as adults in the fall/early winter. Supposedly when you cross them you get half blue, quarter silver or silver splash and quarter black offspring. I just hatched a few so I got just blue and silver splash. The splashed ones were actually almost white and turned out to be very beautiful. I also crossed my male with a 'production quality' fawn and white from Metzer's farm just for fun and got some strange colors from that. The offspring layed large white eggs instead of the cool green/blue ones of the Holderread ones. The drake that came out of it though was real pretty (see below in bottom image).


offspring from blue x blue mating

~week old runner babies

The one in front here is a drake out of blue x fawn and white cross
Here is another update on Lilly and Daisy. Except I think Daisy may be a daffy, he is getting a raspy little quack but Lilly will blow you over when her quack comes in. LOL When theyre peeping the quacks just kinda come in the background. OH can anyone take a guess not that they are older on their Breed and ages?? The bottom of their bellys no longer have down its thick soft feather like things.

I have been stalking this site for days. Getting ideas for our aviary. Wow you all have some amazing enclosures. We just recently finished ours. It was about a 5 day process. I am super thrilled with the great job my husband did for our babies. He put a lot of work into and made it look really really great! It has a tarp over the top with an old ball shoved between the board and tarp so any rain or snow will run right off. There is a doggie door already on the shed from when he used to have a duck that we are going to move their house inside in the winter. We will be working on a different house for everyone later on. This will give them plenty of shade through out the summer and we can worry about a better winter shelter this fall. We will be putting a pool in there after it gets warmer and they get a few more feathers.


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