post any and all waterfowl pictures here!!! ponds, pools, aviarys, coops, runs, etc.

After two days of BYC not letting me post any comments, I finally can! thats why thier are like Icons lit up on some post, I could add a little comment to that but not to this page, its so nice to be back!

Finally got some new battery's for the camera! so I went out and took about 200 photos of the birds! will try and post some later!

I was having the same problem I had to leave Internet Explorer and get Google Chrome then I was able to post again.
Same problem posting here,too.

I do have a question I've just been kicking around when I look at how Daisy carries her wings. Is it normal for a duck to be lazy & just let them slouch? She has been doing this since her wings grew in.
I was having the same problem I had to leave Internet Explorer and get Google Chrome then I was able to post again.

I even re-started my computer loged if BYC for a while and then I just gave up for a while then came back today and it was working, There was one other person who was haveing the same problem as well, but o well I am back and very happy to have it working again!

Here are some pictures of today, It was so nice out today it got up to about 65-70f, compared to the 40-45f we are use to

My new addition, He is a 2011 hatch, holderreads stock dewlap toulouse gander!

My three sebbies, the ones that are not setting on eggs, My grey/blue gander in front, white gander to the right, and lavender goose to left

Here he is again (dewlap toulouse gander)

Watch out lol, my sebbie gander

Buff African gander

My rescue scovy hen out side the goose coop

white sebbie goose sitting on her co-share nest, her and one of my buff gooses share a nest, the eggs are supoes to hatch this week!

All three sitting on thier nests with about 20 eggs total that should be hatching soon!

lavender sebbie goose

White sebbie gander

Two best buddies, they have become best friends

Gander checking up on his girls

Still sleeping (in the same spot)

The two girls on thier nest

Two love birds sleeping

Two Indian runners, what color would the brown and white one be?

TIme for a nap lol

This little runner decided she was going to try and go broody, but it only lasted for a day she gave up this afternoon

better shot

Time for a drink of water

Close up

TIme to play

Got about 130 more pictures, wish I could post them all!
My ducks and geese do that some times also, I think they just relaxed and thier wings droop

Same problem posting here,too.

I do have a question I've just been kicking around when I look at how Daisy carries her wings. Is it normal for a duck to be lazy & just let them slouch? She has been doing this since her wings grew in.

1st picture and my avatar is the duckies pond
2nd picture is the eggs im incubating which most have hatched
3rd are the parents of those eggs excluding the one on the far left and the 4th parent is not in the pic lol
4th picture is my boyfriend chillen with the mallard xD
Hope you like
Poultry09 ---- Love the goose pics, I want a goose so bad I may try to hatch a couple after this round of eggs are done.

cskotek ---- My DH likes mallards also. After I got my Pekin and DD got her Mallards he caught the bug and sent me out for 5 more Mallards lol.

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