post any and all waterfowl pictures here!!! ponds, pools, aviarys, coops, runs, etc.

This is proably a stupid question but how did you put writing in the picture?

All the babys are looking good every one!
I use its a free photo editor. :)
These are a few pics of our duck yard, "Leafy Limb Estates" (named after a dear friend that passed away)
It's still very much a work in progress...just keep that in mind! LOL

This is from our back porch...

The next few are from inside that "run"....As you can see we still need to get some pea gravel and to fill in some of the holes they've made while foraging...and I thought DOGS were bad!! LOL

Don't laugh at our "awning" was an old dog grooming table I had on hand! It's weather proof, sturdy and doubles as a nice heavy door when we coop them up. It's temporary until we can figure out a good permanent door for the coop! Sometimes you just have to use whats on hand! :)
Just a couple pics of our ducks! Olive the Cayuga, Brewster the KC and Beans the crested Blue Swede. LOVE THEM! The "babies" are slowly becoming more and more tame as they watch Olive interact with us. It's so fun!

Even though we have a nice in-ground 100 gallon "pond"....this old turtle sandbox is still their favorite (as you can tell). This is actually RIGHT after refilling it. Dirty dirty ducks! LOL
Just a couple pics of our ducks! Olive the Cayuga, Brewster the KC and Beans the crested Blue Swede. LOVE THEM! The "babies" are slowly becoming more and more tame as they watch Olive interact with us. It's so fun!

Even though we have a nice in-ground 100 gallon "pond"....this old turtle sandbox is still their favorite (as you can tell). This is actually RIGHT after refilling it. Dirty dirty ducks! LOL
Your ducks are beautiful
Nice set up, and I like that the turtle pool is getting all the attention while the other one stand empty.. of ducks
LOL....isn't that how it is??? We just cleaned and refilled the larger one too! These were taken first thing this morning and they always seem to like to wait for me to clean and refill the turtle pool for their morning baths and then later in the day I'll find them all in the larger one. They crack me up...such picky things!
Thanks so much, Lydia! We're in love with them. Best part of the day is when I get to go outside with a bag of peas, sit on the ground and "talk" to them. We actually wouldn't know what we'd do without them! It's crazy...I've NEVER been a bird person, but ducks have just gotten under my skin. We're considering adding a couple more females to our flock. Still need to get my Pekins!! ;)
Thanks so much, Lydia! We're in love with them. Best part of the day is when I get to go outside with a bag of peas, sit on the ground and "talk" to them. We actually wouldn't know what we'd do without them! It's crazy...I've NEVER been a bird person, but ducks have just gotten under my skin. We're considering adding a couple more females to our flock. Still need to get my Pekins!! ;)
Duck math no different than Chicken math.
I have to add...the whole run cost us the price of two boxes of screws and nails! Everything else was made from re-purposed fencing, pallets and a HUGE tree our neighbor cut down. The bigger "pond" was the most expensive purchase....$40 for a used watering trough!

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