post any and all waterfowl pictures here!!! ponds, pools, aviarys, coops, runs, etc.

Yes it was 90 today. I was home most of the day. Also I am going to have their run seperated so they don't have access to the pool when I'm not there.
When do you think they will be grown enough to have full access to the run and pool?
I will do just that. I just moved them to their duck condo tonight. I'm like a worried mom but they were panting in the garage when I took them in there to sleep tonight so I let them sleep in their safe insulated dog you with tons of straw. I really hope they won't get too scared out there.
They may have a few nights of anxiety but as long as they are in a secure run and house they should adapt pretty quick. Do they have a way in and out of their pool? when mine are young like yours I start out in the kitty litter pan with enough water to play. even that needs some way for them to get in and out. They aren't producing oils yet to keep their down water proof so they can drown and also chill pretty quick. I found this one day when a friend and i were are the GoodWill store.
even as small as it was they still needed help getting out at 2 weeks.
Yes it was 90 today. I was home most of the day. Also I am going to have their run seperated so they don't have access to the pool when I'm not there.
When do you think they will be grown enough to have full access to the run and pool?
I will do just that. I just moved them to their duck condo tonight. I'm like a worried mom but they were panting in the garage when I took them in there to sleep tonight so I let them sleep in their safe insulated dog you with tons of straw. I really hope they won't get too scared out there.
I may be the wrong person to ask since I look at my animals as animals, but ALL my ducks had free access to their "pool" by 1 and 2 weeks old. I put bricks on the outside and inside to make steps for them to get in and out. The only duckling I have that didn't free access all day was Shifu my most recent duckling but that was because she stayed indoor a few extra weeks due to not being accepted at first. My Pekin was out by the pool by 2 weeks, the mallards by 1 weeks also. I'm in Wisconsin so the kiddie pools wern't for sale yet, but the first couple weeks they used one of the kid's sleds lol. Then as soon as the pools came for sale they moved to the pool. I also booted them all out to the coop by 2 weeks old back in March. But of course this is me. Do what your comfortable with.

Po the pekin was about 2 weeks old in this pic and the Mallards 1 week old

Po was about 3 weeks old by this pic

When the older two mallards were 3 weeks old we brought in 5 more 1 week old, all having access to the pool full time.
I may be the wrong person to ask since I look at my animals as animals, but ALL my ducks had free access to their "pool" by 1 and 2 weeks old. I put bricks on the outside and inside to make steps for them to get in and out. The only duckling I have that didn't free access all day was Shifu my most recent duckling but that was because she stayed indoor a few extra weeks due to not being accepted at first. My Pekin was out by the pool by 2 weeks, the mallards by 1 weeks also. I'm in Wisconsin so the kiddie pools wern't for sale yet, but the first couple weeks they used one of the kid's sleds lol. Then as soon as the pools came for sale they moved to the pool. I also booted them all out to the coop by 2 weeks old back in March. But of course this is me. Do what your comfortable with.

Po the pekin was about 2 weeks old in this pic and the Mallards 1 week old

Po was about 3 weeks old by this pic

When the older two mallards were 3 weeks old we brought in 5 more 1 week old, all having access to the pool full time.
Can't stress enough that they have a a way in and out.
Alrighty, I finally took some updated pics of the crew.

Po is 15 weeks old, Jet and Chip are 14 weeks old, and the 5 younger mallards are 12 weeks old. Oh and Shifu is 6 1/2 weeks old.


Po and her crew lol
They are beautiful, have they accepted Shifu now?
They're fine with her, but she's scared of them. lol Only every once in a while a rooster will try to mount her but she freaks out and runs and usually one of the kids runs out and chased the rooster away. I dont know why she just wont stay by the ducks. She's be swimming and as soon as one comes in the pond or pool with her she jumps out right away.

the ducks got their duckie condo finished and spent their first night in it last night.

Now how the heck do I tell if I have boy duckies or girls lol? Any gueses. They are just too cute.

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