post any and all waterfowl pictures here!!! ponds, pools, aviarys, coops, runs, etc.

that's pretty amazing. mine are more of a "hey you, come hang out with us but if you touch me or my stuff I'm running away!" My ancona babies love me though, My mom and I hatched them out ourselves and they're very loving. :)
Awwh sounds cute mine are similar but instead or running away is "Hey you, come hang out with us and take us to the park or on the bus but touch my cage or touch me in my cage imma bite you very hard until you possibly bleed" there soo bitey when there in there cage/sleeping box. but one there out its all happy days haha
I have yet to get my runners really friendly. So im working super hard on the fawn and whites. Ive seen alot of vids with them being friendly. So imma give it my all! And when I go next week camping for a week my Mom or Dads going tohave to play with them LOL
I too have fawn and white runners and ya know they don't want to be around me unless I have peas.

Also how the heck do you tell the sex of them??? They are 2 months old
I too have fawn and white runners and ya know they don't want to be around me unless I have peas.
Also how the heck do you tell the sex of them??? They are 2 months old
you just have to listen to their voices. My girls are loud, and QUACK my boys are really quiet and when they actually get around to making a sound they're mumbly, or raspy. :)

So jealous you have FW runners!
cskotek, did you get your Runners as day-olds? I got Paul, my Pekin as a day old and handled he and my chicks constantly, so they are all pretty tame and they eat treats out of my hand. They don't much enjoy being caught, but they like to be held and stroked. I have heard numerous accounts of Runners being more skittery than Pekins or Rouens, but I wonder if you socialize them with lots of different things as chicks they will be okay...
Yeah Ive had them since day olds. and ive hatched the younger ones. No success. Lol
I cant seem to understand why soo many people have the problem of their ducks running away or coming to them only when they have food about? maybe the imprint wasnt strong enough because sometimes the imprint on their siblings. thats usually why the say if you hatch loads its good to keep them seperated for the first week and allow them to see you. then when that bond is strong they will still bond to thier siblings but also bond to you. mine were not seperated they were together from day one along with my chickens but the bond is still unbreakable it would seem. most of the time they chase off my sisters and mum in a sort of protective way.
I cant seem to understand why soo many people have the problem of their ducks running away or coming to them only when they have food about? maybe the imprint wasnt strong enough because sometimes the imprint on their siblings. thats usually why the say if you hatch loads its good to keep them seperated for the first week and allow them to see you. then when that bond is strong they will still bond to thier siblings but also bond to you. mine were not seperated they were together from day one along with my chickens but the bond is still unbreakable it would seem. most of the time they chase off my sisters and mum in a sort of protective way.
Thats what Im trying to do with my babies I have now. The male has started to follow me a bit. So Its somewhat working lol.
Thats what Im trying to do with my babies I have now. The male has started to follow me a bit. So Its somewhat working lol.
Try this. take him in a sit him on your lap. let him relax and when he dose offer him some treats. let him become acustomed to your hands so pick him up take him around. do your normal things but with him with you. like with mine sometimes i completely forget there with me. i go for walks and they just sit in my arms and enjoy the veiw. they down wriggle or squirm or nothing just chill. the more time you get him use to you the quicker he will want to spend time. and dont forget those treats. mealworms are always their favrioutes :D
Marwan,Your boys look friendly like my girl Daisy! She loves going out & loves attention also. Great job with them!
Marwan,Your boys look friendly like my girl Daisy! She loves going out & loves attention also. Great job with them!
Thanks. beautiful duck you have. you have to love the companionship. i love my duckies and the way they love me. give me days of endless joy :D

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