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My Pekins are being bad. They are alway chaseing the Mallards. I just happened to be able to get a picture.
Looks like Time Out may be in order.
Looks like Time Out may be in order.
It started once their horomones seemed to kick in. They where buddies with the Mallards and now its just weird. Down in the pond I have noticed that they will chase the Mallards around for no reason but then all of a sudden the one Pekin will start to mount the other Pekin (both male) and keep at it for awhile... Im not sure whats going on but its odd. And when I have the Pekins in with my other ducks they will chase down the 2 matured females (the others are still a little young to mate) and pin them if they manage to catch one, the Drakes won't even try to chase the Pekins off once mounted, If it was the Mallards trying to get their females they would chase them. So they are evicted from the cage most days and stay around the outside. Im not one for rehoming because I bought them so I should fix them. But it seems nothing is working!!!!
It started once their horomones seemed to kick in. They where buddies with the Mallards and now its just weird. Down in the pond I have noticed that they will chase the Mallards around for no reason but then all of a sudden the one Pekin will start to mount the other Pekin (both male) and keep at it for awhile... Im not sure whats going on but its odd. And when I have the Pekins in with my other ducks they will chase down the 2 matured females (the others are still a little young to mate) and pin them if they manage to catch one, the Drakes won't even try to chase the Pekins off once mounted, If it was the Mallards trying to get their females they would chase them. So they are evicted from the cage most days and stay around the outside. Im not one for rehoming because I bought them so I should fix them. But it seems nothing is working!!!!

Yep, duck time-out. If the Pekin drakes are young then they are probably really hormonal (about 3 months or more) and will "hump anything that isn't able to get away" including each other. I have even heard various stories of 2 females engaging in mating behavior as well if there are no drakes around. Do you have Pekin hens? Drakes will not necessarily stick with their own breed and will try to mate any hen they can catch (including chickens!) That is why I had to rehome my Pekin drake and I have an all-female flock now. I think if you want Pekins to stick with Pekins and Mallards to stick with Mallards as far as mating, I woud seperate them. Also Pekins are quite a bit larger than mallards and you wouldn't want your guys to hurt them. They might be okay together once they are seperated for a while and establish clear mates, I'm not an expert on duck mating but just from what I've heard.
Yep, duck time-out. If the Pekin drakes are young then they are probably really hormonal (about 3 months or more) and will "hump anything that isn't able to get away" including each other. I have even heard various stories of 2 females engaging in mating behavior as well if there are no drakes around. Do you have Pekin hens? Drakes will not necessarily stick with their own breed and will try to mate any hen they can catch (including chickens!) That is why I had to rehome my Pekin drake and I have an all-female flock now. I think if you want Pekins to stick with Pekins and Mallards to stick with Mallards as far as mating, I woud seperate them. Also Pekins are quite a bit larger than mallards and you wouldn't want your guys to hurt them. They might be okay together once they are seperated for a while and establish clear mates, I'm not an expert on duck mating but just from what I've heard.
I think we may just put them in a cage by them selves for a few days. But they are just little monsters! And they are only good for alerting the othr ducks when something is near. Lol
My newly enlarged pond. I found out that the old pond liner I got for free is the hardest kind to glue together. I think I have it so it will hold water for now! The ducks tried to pull the seam apart at first, but they have forgotten about it now that it is covered with water.

Finally got the duck pond done(almost) few more rocks and installing the filter. Anyone experienced have any suggestions or ideas on improvements or anything they ducks may need?

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