Post here if you DON'T wash clean-looking eggs

I only wash the ones that look pretty dirty that I am giving away. If they're just for me, I don't bother. But, I loved giving a carton of colorful, shiny eggs, so I made sure they were all clean.

I washed them with hot water only, and we never had any trouble.
I don't wash them till I'm ready to use them, unless of course, it has poop on it. But sometimes I do forget to wash before craking the egg. But I figure where my eggs are coming from are a 100% cleaner than where the store bought eggs came from, and who knows how they clean them.
I wash the eggs only before we use them. I also sell the eggs dirty. The folks who buy my eggs are perfectly fine with that once I explain to them the reason for doing so. I have people tell me that I have some of the best fresh eggs around and they do not mind having to wash them before preparing them.
I DO wash eggs if needed. It seems I ALWAYS have some young 'uns that wanna sleep IN the nestboxes!

However, if they are clean looking and poop-free, I don't wash.
I do make sure they all appear completely clean, though as most of my customers prefer cleaned eggs.
I ONLY wash eggs if:

They are REALLY dirty when I collect them.*
I am giving/selling them to someone and the eggs are dirty - then only right before I pkg them up.
They are dirty but not REALLY dirty and I am going to use them, then I *might* wash them before I crack them.

Otherwise, they are all stored on my counter top. No washie, No refrigie.

*The dirtiest eggs are usually fed to the dogs - for some reason, they don't care.
I got in serious trouble with my mom once for turning the hose on a whole basket of eggs because a couple of them had poop on them. I was just a kid but I've never washed an egg since.
I see you're germaphobic! Well, I don't wash my eggs unless there is visible poo on them. And yes, I will absolutely use them right away. When the eggs are laid they have 'bloom' (also called cuticle) on them which an antibacterial film on it that is deposited during laying. Now a germaphobe should LOVE that word 'antibacterial'! The bloom seals the egg (because egg sgells are porous) keeping bacteria out and it also keeps moisture from escaping which keeps the eggs fresh longer. Unless they are soiled I don't wash them at all and if it just a tiny bit I wait until the time of use.

The best way to prevent poopy eggs is to be sure that your girls are not sleeping in their nesting boxes. Also, keep their fluff feathers around their vent trimmed if they get poopy. Generally this is how my eggs get soiled. If they get poo on their fluff feathers and shortly thereafter lay an egg the poo can be transferred. Plus when you trim their fluff it is a chance to check their vent to be sure everything is okay.

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