Post Phoenix Pics Please

I'd sure appreciate it. They're 5 wks old. I thought I had 2 boys and a girl but got to looking at their chest feather colors and 2 have tan colored breast feathers and 1 has black coming in. I know my Silver Phoenix both looked like girls and it was months before the male showed his black chest. Not sure if BBR are the same or not. 1 has an obvious red comb already so I'm pretty sure he's a boy. Of the other 2 one has a small comb and one a pretty non-exsistant comb.
LOVE these babies! Awesome curious personalities.

That's a quick and easy one, pullet WILL NOT have black breast, those will be your cockerels
While I'd dearly love to have them be 1 boy and 2 girls, it's the one in the middle that's throwing me because he/she has a bit of a comb. With my luck I'm sure that's black that's growing in right there on its chest lol
Looks like 1 roo and 2 pullets to me. I've had many longtails(good ones) that the hens have black in the breast...Almost all my roo's when that young all have that buff like bib under the neck and breast......But I have been wrong though....TM
might need to clarify what I said, was in a rush to eat supper.
wasnt saying all 3 were cockerels, that one with pretty much the solid black breast is though for sure.
The other two look like a normal pullet coloration for their age.

I agree with the others though, looks like a trio to me.
Look for the SOLID patches of black on the breast. Looks like you have one there in the left pic, also notice how it's hackle is much more evenly colored and brighter. That's him.
Pretty sure of it. Like Toni-Marie said, strange things do happen, but for the age and current color, I feel pretty sure you'll end up with a trio out of them.
Once the color starts cleaning up a bit more as the chick feathers change into the adult colors, start looking for the salmon ( pinkish tan) breast colors in the girls.
You can sorta see it already in the middle pic , about in the one you were not sure about.
a couple more weeks and it'll be a no brainer. But feel like you're in good shape for a trio as is
Thanks to everyone :) I hatched them from shipped eggs and am already so attached (typical for me) that I was going to keep them no matter what they are. But a trio would save me building more fence

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