Post Phoenix Pics Please

Oh to live somewhere that doesnt get 5 feet of snow and -10 deg in the winter!!! You guys are so fortunate!!
Same here but we get closer to -20. It is one of the many things that I love about this area. We get up near 105 in the summer with a nice dry heat, then down to -20 in winter with all the snow and drifting and everything. Some birds seem to hate it while others love it
Once in a great while we get a night that cold. It is the wind chill that get me. I hope my birds stay warm enough in the camper coop. Atleast they will be more sheltered from the wind.
haha I complain when it's 40 here. I couldnt imagen all that. I've seen snow 3 times in my 37 years of life. Only stuck once over night, was gone by noon though the next morning

Oh shut up!!!!
I hear that from my Aunt who lives in Texas!!! We dont get the bugs though that you get further south though most are killed off by the cold.
haha yep they grow year round here, you should see out mosquitoes, look like Apache helicopters!

Most likely dont have all the alligators and venous snakes bad like we do here either.... ah the warm weather critters, got to love 'em
I love our weather here, they are calling for snow this week! I can sit at the window for hours just watching the snow fall and blow around. It is a peaceful time to get thinking done.

I was out shuffling birds around and was handling them all just to make sure I like them before going into winter. I noticed that the white cockerel (brother to the pyle pullets) had some off color in him. I expected the black peppering in the lesser sickles since his sire had it. But the thing that surprised me was the perfect light brown feather in his saddle which throws me off. His mother was a silver, his father was a white (his brothers were all brassy silver) so I expected this bird to be silver under the white (if that makes sense to anyone other than me) and seeing this feather really has me scratching my head.
I love our weather here, they are calling for snow this week! I can sit at the window for hours just watching the snow fall and blow around. It is a peaceful time to get thinking done.

I was out shuffling birds around and was handling them all just to make sure I like them before going into winter. I noticed that the white cockerel (brother to the pyle pullets) had some off color in him. I expected the black peppering in the lesser sickles since his sire had it. But the thing that surprised me was the perfect light brown feather in his saddle which throws me off. His mother was a silver, his father was a white (his brothers were all brassy silver) so I expected this bird to be silver under the white (if that makes sense to anyone other than me) and seeing this feather really has me scratching my head.
yep usually most whire phoenix are over silver duckwing, that's where the few random black specks come from, most all of them have that if you look close. This one sounds like it might have had gold or red under it if it has anything other than black leaking out.

But you get all sorts of odd colored feathers here and there in colored birds too, so it could just be a fluke, but my money is on it having red or gold in it's back ground, might have been 2 or more generations back and just popped up.
I was out this morning and tried to get a pic of some of the cockerels to show everyone but by the time my darn camera phone was ready, this is all I got. The pullets right behind him are some legbars. But at least you can see how he is turning out, great saddles and everything. He looked like a brassy silver when he first started to feather but is turning into a decent lighter golden. The thing I dislike most about him right now is his lower tail

he does have a nice mild color about him dont he.
and look to have some really nice feathering. If he doesnt get too much lenght, the tail angle wont be too bad, I like 'em at that angle. But if he's one that will end up with a nice long tail, then yes I like the younger tail angle to be a bit higher, that way when the weight of the feathering comes in it will pull it down to the angle you have now more less and not just be a totally floppy rear.

The whites I got from Cy started with a crazy high angle in the male, but got so much lenght that when he was in full feather, it looked just like yours.
My gold phoenix rooster has a nice perfect tail angle per the standard when it is in. 25* and good length to it. But right now that he has molted, his tail is probably closer to 45* with super long saddles dragging behind him. That is why I always tell people to keep longtail roosters with a tail that is at least 10* higher than what you want it because ideally the heavy full tail will bring it down to the correct placement

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