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Most hens will squat if you put one hand in front of them to stop forward motion put the other on the back with downward gentle pressure. The flighty breeds will not do this as easily. It is a method shown to me by a DC breeder for AI that makes the hen expose her vent.
I lost my rooster back in December, haven't replaced him yet and my hens are starting to squat for me. Don't know whether I should be flattered or not.

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I've never had a rooster and my hens have always squatted for me. I've read that if you don't have a rooster, sometimes, a hen will take over that roll. And I don't need a crowing hen.

So at least once a day when I'm out, they'll squat and I give them a good scratch at the neck and rump and they walk off, ruffle up their feathers, and walk off.

I think it's kind of funny.
I've never had a rooster and my hens have always squatted for me. I've read that if you don't have a rooster, sometimes, a hen will take over that roll. And I don't need a crowing hen.

So at least once a day when I'm out, they'll squat and I give them a good scratch at the neck and rump and they walk off, ruffle up their feathers, and walk off.

I think it's kind of funny.
I have observed my dominant hen doing that rooster cluck when a rooster finds tasty tidbits. but, she does it while she is eating what she found.

Chicken behaviour...better than TV!
I have observed my dominant hen doing that rooster cluck when a rooster finds tasty tidbits. but, she does it while she is eating what she found.

Chicken behaviour...better than TV!

Amen to that. Chicken behavior being better than TV! I can't wait to get home from work in the summer so I can have a cold beverage on the patio and let the hens out into the big garden and just sit there and watch them.
Amen to that. Chicken behavior being better than TV! I can't wait to get home from work in the summer so I can have a cold beverage on the patio and let the hens out into the big garden and just sit there and watch them.

Its so relaxing just to sit in the swing in the summre and watch them,could sit there for hours if I didn`t have so much to do.

Had to read the blog on your move to the big house, and life thereafter! Ruth, don't greens have calcium? Like grass? Like no grass this time of year? That could be less calcium. I put a pile of oyster shell out by my coop, when it's gone, I make another pile.

In the meantime, you could candle the eggs that you sell, and check the progress of the calcium.
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