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Has anyone else ever noticed how few seem to for real know what their birds weigh? I've weighed mine and been told "well mine are about that' and when pressed, these folks never even weighed them. Yes, I have a pullet that was 8 lbs at 9 months old. I know this because I weighed her. There is a question still unanswered about that. From zooweemomma.

Or is is something that folks hold close to their chests?
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Has anyone else ever noticed how few seem to for real know what their birds weigh? I've weighed mine and been told "well mine are about that' and when pressed, these folks never even weighed them. Yes, I have a pullet that was 8 lbs at 9 months old. I know this because I weighed her. There is a question still unanswered about that. From zooweemomma.

Or is is something that folks hold close to their chests?
I don't think many on here (not specific to this thread just BYC in general) pick the birds up. They seem to have problems *chasing* them. I laugh when I think about myself chasing chickens. I think I would shoot
I've never weighed him. But the guy that I got him from said he is by far the largest of the 4 brothers. He is like one and a half the size of my ss roo. taller wider.. Everything. But maybe its normal. This is my first "go at" chickens. So i feel stupid asking all these question.

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