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I have yet to invest in a scale, so I dont know the weights of mine

Has anyone else ever noticed how few seem to for real know what their birds weigh? I've weighed mine and been told "well mine are about that' and when pressed, these folks never even weighed them. Yes, I have a pullet that was 8 lbs at 9 months old. I know this because I weighed her. There is a question still unanswered about that. From zooweemomma.
Or is is something that folks hold close to their chests?
I've never weighed him. But the guy that I got him from said he is by far the largest of the 4 brothers. He is like one and a half the size of my ss roo. taller wider.. Everything. But maybe its normal. This is my first "go at" chickens. So i feel stupid asking all these question.
Don't feel stupid..questions is why this forum exists.
Has anyone else ever noticed how few seem to for real know what their birds weigh? I've weighed mine and been told "well mine are about that' and when pressed, these folks never even weighed them. Yes, I have a pullet that was 8 lbs at 9 months old. I know this because I weighed her. There is a question still unanswered about that. From zooweemomma.
Or is is something that folks hold close to their chests?
Thank you for bringing this back up. I weighed some of my chickens today. Oh my kids got a kick out of that. And they all seem on the light side to me. But then again my scale kept acting funny. Either I have slim birds, a broken scale or need fresh batteries or could be a combo of all of them. I then tried to stand them all on the kitchen scale but apparently they weighed too much for my kitchen scale because it would say ERR (error) lmbo. It was rather funny to see a giant confused chicken on my table on a tiny scale. hehe And I got pooped on in the process. LOL Afternoon of giggles for my kids!

ETA: I even weigh my eggs! haha
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For poor goblin with the skeletal deformities.
It was suggested that I put him down, he does not appear to have pain, eats well and keeps up with the flock. With the crooked / cow hocked legs he can't get up to roost but other wise does just fine. I prefer his coloring over the other roo but alas his genes get to stay with him Don't want to put that mess in my breeding. flock! So proud of him he crowed, kinda sorta for the first time today.
Has anyone else ever noticed how few seem to for real know what their birds weigh? I've weighed mine and been told "well mine are about that' and when pressed, these folks never even weighed them. Yes, I have a pullet that was 8 lbs at 9 months old. I know this because I weighed her. There is a question still unanswered about that. From zooweemomma.
Or is is something that folks hold close to their chests?

I think this is a great point, but how to weigh?....hmmmm. I had someone ask me last week about weight on my Orps, so I stuck the Bathroom Scale on the deck, weighed myself with and without Orp. Not the most exact method, but was better than nothing. Of my 2 cockerels who were 5 months old, one was 10.5 lbs and the other....6.5 lbs. 'were' being the key word in that sentence.

I don't think many on here (not specific to this thread just BYC in general) pick the birds up. They seem to have problems *chasing* them. I laugh when I think about myself chasing chickens. I think I would shoot

No Joking, my favorite part of the weighing was chasing them around and catching em up. I know I looked a fool. But laughed and panted and realized too late that I could have just scooped them off the roost had I weighed them first thing in the morning, duh!
I have never truly weighed mine. I pick then up almost every day to try to keep them from being skittish towards people. I may have to try to weigh them just to see how close my estimations are.

I have a question: Are cockerels always heavier than pullets and can you get an idea of sex based on how their bone/mass structure feels (for lack of a better way of explaining it)? I have 2 cockerels that are a great deal heavier than the pullets, 2 that are not & 1 that just feels more like a pullet to me. I know these are silly questions but I am just curious if anyone else has noticed this. Thanks
I have never truly weighed mine. I pick then up almost every day to try to keep them from being skittish towards people. I may have to try to weigh them just to see how close my estimations are.

I do try to handle mine daily as well. My son will be working with them this spring in 4H, so I want them to be as easy to handle as possible.

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